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Top 10 Ways To Save Money ….

4:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Ten Ways To Save Water

I am going to give you the top ten ways to save water, and money on the bill!

If you are able to reduce your monthly/yearly water consumption, you will be doing a great service to the planet, and generations to come.

The number one way to save water, is to educate others in your family, and community!

1 Take shorter showers, we all know when we are finished cleaning ourselves, and have started to enjoy the hot water, this is when its time to get out

2 Take showers instead of baths, Baths can use up to 100 gallons of water per bath, where as a shower will take 30 gallons max (this would be about 15 minutes worth of shower time!

3 Water gardens and plants with run off water from your roof instead of your hose, and stop throwing ice cubes away, put them in a plant if it falls on the floor, or give to a pet!

4 Do NOT wash your car, and if you absolutely must use this huge amount of water, do it on your lawn so that the excess goes to use!

5 Check for leaks, all faucets, and valves need to be checked, as well as toilets, an easy way to see if your toilet is leaking is to put a few drops of food coloring in the tank, and waiting to see if it leaches, or leaks into the bowl, if it does, you have a leak!

6 Grouping plants is a great way to cut water consumption from the sprinklers. Putting water loving plants together, and water hating plants together make it easy to sprinkle the lawn for a few short minutes effectivly.

7 Try bathing pets in left over, trapped shower water, instead of using 20-50 gallons for just the pets bath.

8 Do not let the water run when doing dishes or brushing your teeth, this can save you 100 dallons a month or more!

9 Try trapping water used to clean fruits and vegitables into a pan, and then using it to water plants, or pets around the house.

10 Know where your water main, and or cut off valve are located. In the event of an emergencie, you can turn the water off quickly instead of panicing while hundreds of gallons of water rush into the street, or even worse into your home!


Ten ways to save fuel

1 drive with windows up this will help keep wind shear to a minimum

2 increase breaking distance more time braking is less time accelorating

3 check tire pressure underinflated tires attribute to 60% of lossed fuel mileage

4 no air conditioning put the windows down, less electronics running is less strain on the alternator which is less fuel burned making electricity

5 check air and fuel filter dirty or blocked filters can result in 30 % power loss

6 tune up your engine a tune up is a nice way to make sure all things are in working order and have been maintenanced

7 install any of these devices sold on ebay and amazon to optomize fuel efficiency

8 use engine cleaner or gunk remover to clean valves these are fairly cheap and offer 15% power increase

9 use premium oll on your engine by doing this you are able to prolong the life of your engine as well as contribute to fuel efficiency

10 drive 55 and arrive alive lol funny but true and it also saves gas, did you know your cars engine is tested ay 55MPH when rated for highway fuel!!!!


Saving Energy And Money

There are alot of ways we can all save electricity and money, and save a little piece of our planet while doing so.

I know its titled top ten, but im going to walk through a few more ways

1 Replace ALL bulbs in your home with CFL bulbs (the spiral flourescent bulbs) This can save you hundreds of dollars a year as well as reducing your energy used from the power company, which makes you a little more earth friendly!

2 Use less air conditioning when possible, This can be achieved by turning your a/c off when your not home (its alot easier to cool a home in 30 minutes than to let the air run for 8 hours while your at work)

3 Sleep in the dark and quiet! Just by turning the tv and fan off at night you can save over 100.00 a year!!!!

4 Turn off outside lighting after 1 am, instead of allowing the lights to run for eight or more hours a night.

5 Keep the refrigerator door closed, and adjust the thermostat to keep it cold, but not overly cold, try a med-low setting

6 Adjust your hot water heater down to 110 degrees to save money heating water, also try using as little hot water as possible, washing laundry in cold water, can save you over 200 a year. Also consider using less hot water in the shower by taking a cooler shower or shortening the time your in. You can also insulate your hot water heater, and water lines, to make them more energy efficient!

7 Powered down computers when not in use! This is huge, computers suck alot of juice, and therefore create alot of heat, causing your central air to run more often, costing you money all the way around.

8 Do not use small electrical devices for lighting (nightlight) or pest control (device that plugs in and emits a "sound" driving pests out) using these types of devices can raise your electric bill 10-20 dollars a month.

9 Keep windows covered to prevent light from entering the home during the day, solar radiation (sunlight) can be your air conditioners worst enemy. Just by using solar blinds or cutains, or even window tint, you can cut cost's by as much as fifteen percent!

10 Hang dry your denim! Not only does this prolong the life of your jeans, but taking just 10 minutes off of a dry cycle can save you a few bucks, PER LOAD!!!

11 Try using natural lighting when possible through the day, I reccomend opening the blinds or cutrains whenever you need light, and closing them when you dont.


In The Kitchen

  1. Keep your oven door closed and peek through the window.
  2. Cooking multiple meals at a time can also be helpful
  3. When possible try using a small skillet on a small burner
  4. Remember that a slow boil is just as effective as a pot boiling with furry!
  5. Use a lid when possible to trap heat, and cook food faster
  6. Use your ovens timer and set it to precise times, and use the left over heat to finish curing your food.
  7. Try using left over oven heat to warm plates
  8. During winter months vent left over oven heat into your home to help with your heating costs
  9. Try using a Toaster Oven when possible to keep electrical use to a minium
  10. using the microwave to prepare foods in a fraction of the time can cut costs. Also note that using the Microwave to defrost food can be more costly than an overnight thaw in the fridge.


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My life in pain …..

9:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

It is me writing again from my is night. I’m awake. Tried a lot to get a sleep. But maybe just like my luck I am not getting it. Feeling alone. Disturbed. Distracted. Unlucky. Aloof. Unfocused. Clueless. Helpless. Mindless. It doesn’t feel right to just be ignored by the whole world. I am isolated. I am cut off. No one cares for me because I am better than all. Maybe I am just meant for it. My family doesn’t like me and I am not ashamed of telling this to the world. They are not anyone, upon whom I can have faith trust love, I can’t rely upon them. Gave them enough privilege but now I will not allow them to continue ruin my life. I decided to go on my own. I decided it long ago. They fear that what if I leave and they were become helpless. I already proved my worthiness. But they took my love & respect for them as my weakness. And thus they are neglecting me. But it won’t take me long to show my metal to them.

Yes I need someone in my life but that doesn’t mean that I have to beg support from each and every one. If it is so then I need no one. People are not just meant for me. They are just the doucebags which I don’t need. My parent can’t even feed me and provide my necessities. For long I have questioned myself why they aren’t doing what needful? Then I answered myself….why would they? I mean what is their need to feed me? I will stay alive anyways. They don’t have to raise me properly because I am mature enough now to look after my own. And they deserve more than that ,they think I SHOULD take responsibilities of them NOW. But then there again the question rises. WHY WOULD I?

I always thought that I am special. Yes I am special. My luck my fate my destiny is special and unique to all. I have to make my mark. Once my best friend asked me that what am i without my parents. They are my god and they have all the rights to justify me and made whatever they like to do to me just because they gave me life. Now my answer to him is that my parent brought me to this filthy world because they have their biological reasons. They enjoyed their whole youth. They didn’t planned me. They even didn’t knew that I am gonna be a boy. I might be a girl. Might be a dead meat. Might be just nothing. As they enjoyed their youthful life, I cannot let my life go in dust. As I am alive now it is my life and I am god of my life. People are fool when they say that there is god. The god is within themselves. I am god. Don’t know for whom but I am confident for me.

All my life I just cried that why I ever born. I know I have a purpose but until or unless I am gonna see it I will continue to hunt for it. People who are bad to me will suffer. I will make them pay. This is my promise to myself. If there is a god he will help me because I am on the path of right. If there is no god then I will make my own path and no one in this whole universe has the right to judge me for my deeds. This life is mine and I will live it as I want.

Today I am sleeping with an empty stomach but what pains is not my stomach, it’s my empty heart. It beats but silently. It pains suddenly. It hurts much. And it cries endlessly. There is no one for me. And yeat I am for everyone. It is not in my nature to leave anyone in pain. I know I will do good even for my enemies because I forgive though I never forget them. It says that keep your friend close and enemy closer but what if friends become enemy?

Some Tips & Tricks …

9:29 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

uninor free call trick
Dear uninor mobile user now get free uninor calling offers for about 60 minutes free calling tricks there is a bonus offers for all uninor mobile customers Now call form uninor to uninor or any mobile networks for free usage of 60min calls this offers was announced recently by uninor To get this Free call minutes just sms BONUS to 50000 (toll free)

vodafone free sms trick
Vodafone/vodaphone change sms center can send unlimted sms from your vodaphone mobile to any other network.note that its local sms and not national the working free sms centre number is below +919863002222 hope it works for you.

free airtel gprs trick
Here I am going to post the latest new gprs trick for airtel mobile.Some days ago Airtel banned all free gprs tricks using Opera mini and UC web.Here I am going to tell another trick,It is simple and no need to download any software.Just follow the below link to get free gprs Note:Balance should be less than 30paisa

free aircel sms trick

to use this new sms trick you have to configure these sms center number in your sms settings of aircel prepaid mobile. +919050563222 or +919050563221.. Hope this message center no. helps you out to sent free sms!

how to block sim cards

Here I am going to share a simple trick for block your enemy sim card,Blocking a sim card is too simple.What you have to do is just enter the below code in the desired phone **04*3814*7529*68243# Entering of above code will ask you to enter the PUK code.To solve this issue just call customer care and get your PUK code. Note:Entering of invalid PUK will cause permanent blocking of your SIM.

A Whole Week In Hurry & Leisure ….

8:41 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Hii guys,

Here is again me. After “bom sabado” attack writing into my blog once again. Though the whole week is lot more frustrating, heart breaking, insulting ,tiresome ,busy ,tough ,poorly-lived week. But still there is something in this week. This whole week made me a little strong and more negative than ever. I am now clearer to my goals. I now know who are not with me. Well there is particularly no one with me so I don’t have to mention it.

First things first. I told many times and again I am saying that ,I do blog not to please any people. I do blog to please people judging my point of view, please raise your standards.

I chatted a lot with my best friend Saumya personally. He told me his internal views about me in person. We were in the outdoor stadium of ground. Its name is Polo ground. It’s an old ground. I heard that British people used to play polo here and later the NCC acquired the place for their daily routines. Then it is opened for people. And now we are chatting in the top step on that place. The place looked good. Felt good, warm & soothing. I told him everything, told him about all my problems. All the hurdles I am facing right now. Inside out I am torn apart.

Today I heard a bad of my closest friend had breakup. Well I shouldn’t tell his name publicly. His girlfriend is getting engaged to another man. And that’s heart breaking. I felt immense sorry for him. It remembered my old times. I also had felt that. Well many times. And I still feel for that girl I think. Well what I think I don’t know. Because its mixture of many emotions. But the bottom line is I still feel. And that is making my life hell. Only four or five days ago he came to me and told happily that he is committed recently and now. My only question to that girl is that if you can’t fight for your love, you shouldn’t do the love. If she is unable to hold the love she must have not get committed with my friend. Well my friend is hiding his tears. I know he is. He should be. Because world is a very bad place. People hurt where the wound is.

I am studying hard these days but I as I felt before, I know very little about the subject and I have to learn more. I restricted my social activity much. Now I just come online twice or thrice in whole day. Mainly to wish them birthdays. I am in need of several things. But as my friend told me it’s good to be satisfied in what you have. I am trying to be satisfied by what I have but the problem, what I told him also is that I DON’T HAVE ANY THING. But he said that I still have my life & soul. Well in this materialistic world, where everyone is running from one goal to another how can I be satisfied by what losts its value in today’s world? The answer is yet to find that what I have, but it is very certain that I need several things and that things are quite a necessity to me.

My parents, my family don’t support me. They only see me as a tool, as an investment for future. Hardcore materialistic, isn’t it? Then why wouldn’t I be like that? Because it is said that if you are in Rome then you should dress like a roman. No matter whats your inside is always show the people what they want to see or what they DESERVE to see.

Hmmm… there are many things to say. But not today. Some another time. Not really feeling chatty right…

Bye bye