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A great day to remember ...

6:43 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Good Evening has been a great day.though i am about to miss my gym session for the fifth day in row.i have won today a consolation prize in the soft skill training program's final prize is small as no achievement & experience is.Raj from BCA won the competition becoming 1st, Trina from BBA won 2nd prize and again Sushanta from BCA won 3rd prize.also we got our pending certificates of VB.NET training from CMC.

Well there are some things which i have pointed out as maybe i m nt that smart maybe my points of GD is not very acceptable to  jury panel maybe its because i m introvert maybe i m nt very presentable there are certain points but what i learnt that i m also a hero and i m also a great winner because there were only 5 who got consolation prize actually they thought to give 7 bt they couldnt find 6th and 7th person who are eligible in the combined class of BBA & BCA well i can do 1 thing, i can keep improving myself.because i know i m good.and can be better and one day i can become the best.

Same again the boring day went on.i got a prize no one even congratulated me, not even my parents are happy about it.ya 1 of my friend did because its now professional relation between i m not sad.because i couldn't contact my best friend yet because her phone is unreachable now.and i am calling someone also now.but he is also unavailable so you see as always i don't have anyone to share my joy which is bubbling inside of me right now and gradually this will decrease in myself.

As for the project presentation my co team member Monideepa had done great.but the jury member there have thrown to us a big challenge which i don't think i can do well.anyways i can try.u know guys its been a very long time after i m writing in my blog.its because my life has become tasteless to proved value less.i didn't found anything to talk about.but today i got my required boost.yes one more thing that i felt that this whole Bengali thing is about to ruin my career.i was a more English kind of as the time is passing i m becoming more of a BHETO BANGALI.i need to change myself again.also my outlook gets restricted i have open up myself more and also my brains GK become low. that's not a good call.

I m again started to play.loaded crysis 2 in my desktop but again i don't find any time to play.i play occasionally.i miss my old days when i used to play for 11 hours straight.i need more time to play.i need more time to look after myself.actually i do look after other people that's my biggest problem i think.people use me.i think of my partner more than and before me. that's the thing which they encash.

wish me luck friends.


Jai Hind

Facebook’s new changes

9:12 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Facebook has brought drastic changes to its pages this time and chat app chat app will also serve as a ticker and home page will display all the Myspace style user page and tons of security features and customization options.its gonna be fab.its gonna be good.and its big.stay ready !! :)

now google might wanna change orkut and g+ or the best they can actually combine all of their services mail + orkut + buzz + docs + reader + Google plus and make a new product out of scratch.

lets see what will happen Smile

7:08 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
this is from ping fm !!

Reasons Why Gold Will Rise

9:50 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Of all the precious metalsgold is the most popular as an investment.[1] Investors generally buy gold as a hedge or harbor against economic, political, or social fiat currency crises (including investment market declines, burgeoning national debt, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest). The gold market is subject to speculation as are other markets, especially through the use of futures contracts and derivatives. The history of the gold standard, the role of gold reserves in central banking, gold's low correlation with other commodity prices, and its pricing in relation to fiat currencies during the current global financial crisis, suggest that gold behaves more like a currency than a commodity.[2][3]

Today, like most commodities, the price of gold is driven by supply and demand as well as speculation. However unlike most other commodities, saving and disposal plays a larger role in affecting its price than its consumption. Most of the gold ever mined still exists in accessible form, such as bullion and mass-produced jewelry, with little value over its fine weight — and is thus potentially able to come back onto the gold market for the right price.[11][12] At the end of 2006, it was estimated that all the gold ever mined totalled 158,000 tonnes (156,000 long tons; 174,000 short tons).[13] This can be represented by a cube with an edge length of 20.2 metres (66 ft).
Given the huge quantity of gold stored above-ground compared to the annual production, the price of gold is mainly affected by changes in sentiment (demand), rather than changes in annual production (supply).[14] According to the World Gold Council, annual mine production of gold over the last few years has been close to 2,500 tonnes.[15] About 2,000 tonnes goes into jewellery or industrial/dental production, and around 500 tonnes goes to retail investors and exchange traded gold funds.[15]

Gold is one of the oldest forms of investments available, but many people do not understand how the price of gold is set. Whether you are interested in diversifying your assets or worried about the consequences of an economic depression, it is important to understand the factors that influence rising gold prices.
At one time, the value of gold was based on the gold standard. Under this monetary system, citizens were able to convert paper money into fixed quantities of gold whenever they wished. However, the gold standard ended on 15 August 1971 when governments were given the freedom to print as much paper money as they saw fit.
Today, the price of gold is set by the Gold Fixing. Also known as the Gold Fix or London GoldFixing, this is a meeting of five members of the London Gold Pool that is conducted twice a day by telephone, at 10:30 GMT and 15:00 GMT. Officially, the purpose of the Gold Fixing is to settle contracts between members of the London bullion market. However, the Gold Fixing is widely recognized as the benchmark used to price gold and gold products throughout the world.
People can invest in gold directly through bullion ownership or opt for indirect investments such as certificates, derivatives, or shares. As with most other forms of investments, the priceof gold is greatly influenced by supply and demand. Unfortunately, gold is rather unique in that most of the gold ever mined is still in existence and could thus enter the market at any time. This leaves the price of gold open to influences from hoarding and disposal practices.
During times of national crisis, such as a war or a serious natural disaster, the price of goldtends to greatly increase. People start to fear that their paper currency may no longer hold value, but they see gold as a stable asset that can always be used to purchase food and other necessities.
Another common factor influencing rising gold prices is the success of the real estate market. When there are low or negative returns on real estate, the demand for gold and other commodities typically is expected to increase.
Bank failures, although somewhat uncommon today, can also contribute to an increase in theprice of gold. The best example of this occurred during the Great Depression, when rising goldprices due to bank failures led President Roosevelt to ban the holding of gold by private citizens.

1. Economy
How many times have you heard the phrase “not since the Great Depression” applied to today's economic climate? It's fitting, given that the United States has endured the deepest and longest economic correction since the 1930s. The U.S. manufacturing base has been shipped overseas. The few jobs being created are in the service industry or government sector. The official unemployment rate hovers near 10%, and 1 out of every 8 Americans is on food stamps. Volatility plagues the stock market. The 2008 economic implosion gutted real-estate values, sent foreclosures skyrocketing and required a nearly $1 trillion bailout of the “too big to fail” investment banks. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are under U.S. conservatorship, along with General Motors. The U.S. government has fallen into a mammoth gulch of multi-trillion-dollar deficits and unfunded liabilities, and it's not going to emerge from that hole without higher taxes and painful austerity measures. Meanwhile, debt time bombs already are exploding in some of our biggest cities and states.
2. Fear
As the market does its daily job of balancing fear and greed, it becomes increasingly apparent that fear predominates. Investors are abandoning anything with the slightest hint of risk. The sovereign-debt crisis that started with Iceland and Greece is threatening to spread across the globe. Fearful investors are shifting assets from the euro and other weakening currencies into gold. Even the recently sagging U.S. dollar has benefited, but given that the debt-laden federal government is about as bad off as Greece in every important economic metric, the world's reserve currency is living on borrowed time. The stock market rebounded from its 2008-09 depths, but some analysts say it's overbought and due for painful correction. And the Dow's 1,000-point plunge on May 6, 2010, showed investors just how breathtakingly vulnerable paper assets can be. Meanwhile, the winds of war continue to howl across the Middle East, Asia and elsewhere, exacting huge costs in American blood and treasure.
3. Demand
The Federal Reserve has kept U.S. interest rates at virtually zero, with no sign of a hike on the horizon, thereby lowering the opportunity cost of buying gold. And investors have responded with astonishing eagerness, even forcing the U.S. Mint to ration popular bullion products in order to meet overwhelming demand. After all, gold's value does not arise from its industrial applications but from its worldwide acceptance as a safe store of value. As the public loses faith in debased paper currencies, the clamor for gold will increase exponentially. Also fueling demand are the world's central banks, which in a major trend reversal have now become net buyers of gold instead of sellers. Expect central banks in China, India and Russia to fuel demand for gold. Beijing not only is stocking up on gold as it divests itself of its dollar holdings but also is encouraging its increasingly affluent billions of citizens to buy gold. And the creation of “paper gold” – the metal-based exchange-traded funds, which Blanchard and Company does not endorse because of their inherent risks – has increased investment demand and buttressed the price of gold.
4. Reflation
Gold benefits from the cure for deflation, rather than from deflation itself. At some point, the market is going to get over its concerns about deflation and become concerned about inflation – that will be the real inflection point for gold. The Federal Reserve, the European central banks, the Swiss national bank, and the Bank of England have drastically increased their balance sheets. Huge amounts of money supply growth will be sending so much money sloshing through the system that it will eventually generate a bad case of inflation. Though inflation isn’t apparent today, stimulus packages and bailouts mean much more money in the system, which is classically inflationary. Historically low U.S. interest rates, U.S. dollar weakness, and the longer-term inflationary pressures of the Federal Reserve throwing trillions of dollars at the U.S. economy make the environment favorable for gold and other tangible assets. Of the major assets, only Treasuries and gold have escaped the selling panic that has gripped the markets. Rushes on gold have caused mints around the world to run out of popular gold coins. Because of the inflationary impact of government bailouts, analysts think that when gold reaches $1,500 it will be the floor, not the ceiling.
5. The Dollar
The dollar has benefited from the global flight from risky assets, as well as the unwinding of bets made with borrowed dollars. That has come as a surprise to many who expected that increased government spending and a collapsing U.S economy would cripple the dollar. In the longer term, the dollar’s health remains dependent upon foreigners’ appetite for U.S. assets, which will decline as the economy falters and the government continues to inject additional liquidity. Dollar weakness, plentiful liquidity and policy reflation will be persistent themes in the future. Massive fiscal and monetary stimulus has weakened the dollar, whose current resurgence stem mainly from the European debt crisis. Once that crisis rears its head in the debt-burdened United States, the dollar's weakness as a currency will be evident to all, and its role as the world's reserve currency will be in jeopardy.
Gold Prices: Expect a New Breakout
We expect to see a new breakout in gold prices once the dollar softens more decisively and once reflationary policies gain economic traction. The current gold price indicates that U.S. monetary and fiscal policy is finally getting ahead of the deflation curve. Liquidity conditions will be easier and easier as the year progresses – part of the fight to support the economy and reduce deflationary pressures. Such conditions are consistent with higher gold prices, and we expect to see gold prices continue to rise, with a breakout to $1,500 becoming a new floor.


7:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »


7:34 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

6:12 PM - 18/9/2011 : I WAS JUST SLEEPING WHEN IT WAS FELT ! i instantly known that it was an earthquake.the furnitures are all chitterlings. suddenly my mom ,who has been into a  neighbor's home.she just took a bottle of water and dragged all of us to out of apartment.but i also took my laptop with me.because if happen something to us and our place i would like to aware the world about it.
later i found on TV that it was an earthquake of 6.8 stays 47 seconds.the epicenter is NEPAL-SIKKIM corridor most probably it is Gangtok-Kalingpong.the delhi mausam bhawan announced that it was felt 2 3 times all over the India  many places of westbengal (now Paschimbanga) was affected badly.many house have been broken.people are panicked very much.all the wired communications are broke down many times.




The aftershock was always more powerful than the ORIGINAL ONE.

The earthquake is also felt in BANGLADESH.

Friends I will try to update as long as possible plz follow my facebook ,twitter …..

so long friends…


Windows 8 Release Date

1:00 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Microsoft’s Windows 8 release date has not yet been officially confirmed but rumors are indicating that a early 2012 to late 2012 drop date is likely.

A leaked Windows 8 product cycle chart gives insight to the release of the new OS.

The new system is specifically geared toward tablets and is designed to revolutionize the touchscreen device market.

The image of the chart lists the planning, development and readiness product cycle of Windows 8 and various other Microsoft products.

According to, the site is able to pinpoint the release date of Windows 8 by making calculations based on the chart and events and products that have already been released by Microsoft.

Forum III and IV are aimed towards Windows 8’s development phase, while V and VI are geared towards its readiness phase.

The site feels there will be a 4 to 5 month gap between each Forum event since Forum II took place that long after Forum I.

By using those calculations, the site predicts that Windows 8’s release will probably take place 16 to 20 months from April 2010 which coincides perfectly with the projected late 2011 release date.

The site incorrectly predicted that the Windows 8 Beta would be available in June of 2011.

It also predicts an October release for the actual system.

Microsoft has not set any concrete release dates for Windows 8, but an announcement would be expected soon if the prediction were to be accurate.

Microsoft did preview the system to the world Tuesday, but still did not reveal any information regarding the Windows 8’s release date.

Two of the events called Forum I and Forum II listed in Microsoft’s plans have already taken place which leaves four more Forum events to fall sometime soon.

It's far from official, but Microsoft corporate vice president Dan'l Lewin, who handles strategic and emerging business development, has hinted at the Windows 8release date as likely to be early next autumn, making much the same calculation TechRadar did.

UPDATE: Check out our hands on: Windows 8 review

Speaking at the start-up LAUNCH event at the Microsoft Silicon Valley campus Lewin suggested "we will be in market - if you look at the crystal ball and just say what happened in the past is a reasonable indicator of what our forward looking timelines will be and just speculate - we've made the point about having a developer conference later this year, and then typically we enter a beta phase, and then in 12 months we're in the market, so let's make that assumption."

Asked why moving Windows to the ARM chip had taken Microsoft so long after other tablets had come out, he acknowledged Vista had slowed the Windows division down ("we got a little behind on that, I would say") but said Microsoft had to take into account the large number of people using Windows already.

"We have a commitment to our installed base. With Windows 7 on a huge number of devices, we have a very sound and terrific baseline. Given the scale, we have a very strong belief system about that commitment, and a very large customer base that thinks about managing these systems; so systems management, enterprise infrastructure, all those kinds of things."

Tablet security

Consumers are also going to care about tablet security, he believes, and that's why it makes sense for Microsoft's tablet OS to be Windows rather than Windows phone.

"Our strategy is a statement about phones and tablets being more or less the same thing. I think tablets are big phones, more or less and I think they will want, over time, some of the capabilities that PC architectures have.

"They want the security, they want the manageability - especially if you are an enterprise buying large volumes of these things, but I think consumers over time want to know about those things as well. Our approach with the tablet play being based on PC architecture, rather than [adding to] the phone architecture, I think is the right one."

Can Windows tablets can catch up with iPad and Android sales after that long? "I think it will just be a race once we get in the market." The design of the Windows tablet interface started before the iPad came out, he said: "We knew where we were going, we just have to get there faster. We're executing as fast as we can."

Lewin also hinted at multiple tablets from PC makers rather than the single Microsoft tablet we've heard rumours about. "Clearly there will be a great installed base of iPad and other tablet devices but it will be incumbent on us and our hardware partners to prove those form factors and use cases, and the battle will be on in the market for what the consumers want to use."

as for the experts tell that Autumn 2012 still the most likely date for the next version of Windows

credits : &

Microsoft Office 2012 Expected Released Date is July 2, 2012

12:54 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Microsoft Office is a proprietary commercial office suite of inter-related desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, introduced by Microsoft in 1989. Next version of Microsoft office is MS Office 2012 and Microsoft Office 2012 is expected to be released to manufacturing on July 2, 2012.

Microsoft Office 2012 Version 15

Microsoft Office 2012

In addition, mainstream support for the product is expected to end on June 30, 2017; and extended support is expected to end on July 5, 2022. Microsoft Office 2012 is reportedly in Build 15.0.2703.1000, and has reached Milestone 2. It sports a revamped application interface; the interface is based on Metro Design Language, which is the interface Windows Media Center for Windows Phone 7 uses.

Microsoft Outlook has received the most pronounced changes so far; for example, the Metro interface enables users to have access to a new visualization for scheduled tasks. Some other modest changes to the overall Office suite include PowerPoint having more templates and transition effects; and OneNote providing a new splash screen.

On May 16, 2011, new images of Office 15 were revealed which portrayed more changes to the overall functionality of the suite. Some notable changes in Excel include a tool for filtering data in a storm, the ability to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, and the integration of advanced trigonometric functions. In Word, the capability of inserting video and audio online as well as the broadcasting of documents on the Web were implemented.

Note: MS Office 2012 will be released for Microsoft Windows Users only, Mac users will continue to use Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 which was released on October 26, 2010.

The new Microsoft Office 15.0.2703.1000 comes with dynamic application interface. According to the site, who had access to the build 15.0.2703.1000, It no more supports Aero and usesMetro UI which was used in Media Center and showcased a full version in the Zune products.

Microsoft Office 2012 15 icons

The program received more changes so far is in Outlook where you can see how the style adopted by Metro for access to email, contacts and calendar. The latter option also presents a new visualization for scheduled tasks.

Have a look at the video of changes in User Interface and Window transition effects on Microsoft Word2012 v15

The other applications do not yet have any major changes, although we note that PowerPoint offers more templates and transitions, OneNote has a new splash screen, and Access could change the format of the databases. Word and Excel remain almost identical to the 2010 version, although it is likely that there are important changes to the spreadsheet.

Microsoft Office 15.0.2703.1000 | Microsoft Office 2012 Screenshots

Microsoft Word 2012 | MS Word 15 Microsoft Word 2012 | MS Word 15

Microsoft Powerpoint 2012 | MS Powerpoint 15

Microsoft Excel 2012 | MS Excel 15

Microsoft Access 2012 | MS Access 15

Microsoft Outlook 2012 | MS Outlook 15

Microsoft Publisher 2012 | MS Publisher 15

Microsoft OneNote 2012 | MS OneNote 15

Microsoft Visio 2012 | MS Visio 15

80 Useful and Unusual Websites …

10:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

1. BugMeNot – instantly get disposable login details for any popular website that forces you to register.

2. DailyLit – read your favorite books by email (on your PC, mobile, etc.).

3. FranceRadio – neat MP3 Search Engine that lets you Find, Play and Download favorite MP3s for FREE.

4. Google SMS – provides mobile users with a quick access (via SMS) to a wide range of practical information and tools (i.e. business listings (pizzerias, shops, etc.), weather, movie listings, driving directions, currency converter and lots more.

5. Podlinez – listen to your favorite podcasts from any phone. Just enter the RSS feed URL for the desired podcast and get a free-toll number to access it from a phone.

6. RetailMeNot – locate fresh discount coupons for thousands of web merchants and services right from your browser toolbar. Video demo.

7. SoLow – on a daily basis SoLow auctions 4 different items (iPhones, HD Screens, etc.). Anyone with a mobile/PC can participate in the auctions by placing their bids via text-messaging. The user with the lowest unique bid wins the auction.

8. TeleFlip – auto-forward your emails to your cellphone as text messages. Video demo.

9. UrbanDictionary – hilarious (and practical) 100% user-maintained dictionary where users provide and vote on definitions for urban words (slangs).

10. Yak4Ever – make free international calls from US, UK and Ireland to 50+ countries.

=== Mobile – related ===

11. Bitbom – schedule free text message reminders to your phone. Schedule online or using mobile. (Similar PingMe.)

12. Flurry – follow up on your emails (send, receive) and receive latest articles from favorite blogs/websites on your mobile.

13. Foonz – place group calls and send messages to multiple people for free (from your mobile or any other phone).

14. GameJump – lots of free games for mobile phones.

15. GrandCentral – single phone number for all your phones and a web-based centralized voicemail system. (Similar: YouMail, GotVoice)

16. IQzone – post your classified ad to a number of online and print classified networks directly from your mobile.

17. Jott – simple and convenient service for leaving yourself notes and ToDo reminders using your mobile.

18. Mosio – text any question from your mobile phone and shortly receive up-to 4 answers.

19. mShopper – instantly check up on the bargain deals for any product (or even order) right from your mobile phone. Video demo.

20. NoPhoneTrees – simple phone directory that lists direct human access numbers to support employees in hundreds of companies.

21. Nutsie – takes a copy of your iTunes library file and creates an online copy of your library. Access this library from PC or mobile phone.

22. Google SendToPhone – forward anything you find on the web (maps, address, text, etc.) to any mobile phone for free (US only).

23. Qipit – take quick document pictures and turn them into properly formatted PDFs. Save online, email, or fax documents right from mobile.

24. Soonr – handy application that lets you access your PC remotely using your mobile or any other PC (work, school, etc.). Video demo.

25. TelePixie – quickly schedule and receive daily (or one time) wake up phone calls, reminders, weather forecast calls, jokes, and more.

26. TellMe – free local directory service for business listings (Car Repair Shops, Pizzerias, Restaurants, etc.), maps, and directions.

27. PhoneZoo – convert your MP3s to custom-length ringtones and forward them to your phone. Plus 1000s of free ringtones from other users.

=== Other ===

28. BossBitching – fun and active community where people can bit*h about their bosses anonymously.

29. eSnailer – send free postal mail letters (to anywhere in the US) right from the desktop. From Canada? Check out EasyPost.

30. Yapta – get a refund (or credit) from the airlines on a purchased ticket in case its price drops.

31. ListenToaMovie – lets you “˜listen to a movie’, i.e. stream the audio part of various movies and some TV-shows.

32. OpenDNS – provides a safer, faster, smarter and more reliable way to navigate the Internet. More details + video demo.

33. PodioBooks – search, subscribe and browse through a variety of totally free audio books (100% legal).

34. PriceProtectr – tracks the price of items you bought online and notifies in case of price-drops, so you can request a refund.

35. RateMyDrawings – excellent place to draw, share your drawing creations, learn to draw, and watch other people drawing. Video demo

36. SwitchPlanet – cool and active marketplace where you can switch (or trade) used DVDs, CDs, Video Games and Books. Video demos.

37. Scribd- search, browse, rate, share various types of documents (jokes, facts, stories etc.). It’s like Youtube for text documents.

38. ViaTalk – make up-to 10 minutes long free phone calls to anywhere in the US and Canada. You don’t even need to sign-up.

39. VideoSiftpopular Digg-like voting community for user-submitted videos.

40. Wordie – make lists of words (words you love, words you hate, or whatever) and share them with others.

41. beFunky – Awesome web app that turns images to cartoonized paintings and videos to cartoons.

42. DisplayWars – Incredibly simple tool that helps lots of people. Want to buy a new screen? DisaplyWars lets you compare screen sizes by mapping one display size on top of the other. For smaller items see SizeEasy.

43. DocSyncer – Synchronize office documents in your ‘My Documents’ folder with Google Docs account.

44. JotYou – By using this service you can send messages to others so they get them only when they are in the area you specify. [Video]

45. Keybr – Online keyboard to practice your touch typing skills.

46. Mint – The simplest way to manage your finances. More about Mint.

47. Numbr – Free disposable phone numbers.

48. PDFHammer – Merge, edit and rearrange PDF documents online.

49. PhoneSpell – Ever wondered if you phone number spells something memorable ? PhoneSpell will find it out.

50. SecondRotation / BuyMyTronics – Want to cash in on your old iPod ? Or mobile phone ? Both of these services will buy your old (broken) gadget, regardless of its condition.


51. BeamIt – Send pictures, music, videos, docs or any other file to your cellphone.

52. BooksInMyPhone – Download and read copyright-free books on a mobile phone. Comes with its own book reader.

53. CallTheFuture – Schedule text messages and get them delivered (as a voicemail) on any desired date in the future.

54. CameraSummary – Extracts so called EXIF data from the images. Shows what model of digicam was used, image creation date and time, resolution settings, location and so on.

55. CanYouRunIt – One-click web app that inspects your PC’s hardware and software settings to determine whether or not it meets gaming requirements for a game of your choice.

56. CellSwapper – Transfer your current mobile contract to someone else. Or get a free plan with only a short term contract.

57. CivilAnswers – Free legal assistance.

58. ControlC – This small cross-platform (Win, Mac, Linux) monitors your clipboard and saves everything online.

59. Definr – Incredibly fast online dictionary. It takes abt 14 ms to lookup a word.

60. – By far the coolest service for private file collaboration and transfers. Add files by email, send voice messages from phone, etc.

61. File-Destructor 2 – Generates files (Doc, PDF, … ) that look genuine but won’t launch properly. Basically, it’s a tool that helps you put all the blame on your “faulty computer”.

62. File-encryptor – Secure encryption tool to freely encrypt/decrypt sensitive files online. Quite handy for sending over sensitive files.

63. FlashPhone – Free flash-based SIP-softphone. Simply add your SIP account and you’re good to go. No need to install anything.

64. Google Mobilizer – Makes your fav. websites mobile friendly. Must-have for your mobile bookmarks.

65. GetMyFBIfile – Here you can generate letter templates that you can use to request for a free copy of your FBI file.

66. LetterMeLater – Offers one feature that your email doesn’t have, “˜the ability to schedule when an email should be sent’. Coolest part about, you can use it directly from your email program (GMail, Outlook, etc.).

67. Mailbucket – Finally, a tool to help you forward emails to your feedreader.

68. Mobical – Over-the-air mobilebackup and restore service. Backup phone contacts, calendar, bookmarks and settings.

69. MoDazzle – Access Facebook, LinkedIn and dozens of other web services (weather, stock quotes, etc.) via email or mobile text messaging. Update Facebook ‘status’, get un-read messages from Facebook inbox, get someone’s profile info from LinkedIn, and lots more.

70. Nanoscan – Super fast yet compehensive online virus scanner.

71. OhDon’tForget – It does only one thing, but does it really well: Schedule text message reminders to any phone.

32. ProQuo – Reduce junk mail by removing your personal data from telemarketing lists.

73. PPCalc – Comprehensive Paypal fees calculator.

74. Rondee – Fast, easy and free way to arrange phone conference calls with as many people as you want.

75. SpokenText – Convert PDF, Word, plain text, PowerPoint files, ,RSS news feeds, emails and web pages to speech.

76. Sullr – Obtain information about telephone lines in reverse mode. Get address, location, owner’s name etc.

77. WakerUpper – Schedule wake-up phone calls. Lots of useful features.

78. WebMarkers – Adds additional option to your ‘Print’ menu that lets you print documents (or webpages) directly to the web. [Screenshot]

79. WhatShouldIReadNext – Book recommendation service. Simply enter the author and title of your latest book and it will give you a list of recommended readings.

80. WorldTaxiMeter – Calculate the cost of a taxi ride in a number of top cities worldwide (London, New York, Rome “¦). Accessible both from the web and mobile phone.

Credits : &

Healthy Tips to Reduce Obesity…

9:56 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Win the weight:

  • Determine with the help of your physician how much weight has to be reduced.
  • Set several short term realistic goals .
  • Reward yourself each time you make progress (Not food items).( Like I will buy a new sandals if I reduce this much pounds or Kgs)
  • Even small weight losses have shown to be beneficial.
  • Make gradual changes in eating habits. (The human body reacts negatively when calories are reduced by slowing basal metabolic rate. This makes weight loss harder.)
  • You will lose weight when you burn more calories than you consume. Hence eating less and being more active help in losing weight.
  • Sound eating habits keep you out of putting on weight.
  • Stay motivated to lose weight.
  • Slow weight loss is the safest and most effective. ( one to one and half pound per week).
  • Gradual weight loss, promote long term loss of body fat.
  • A person who is moderately active needs daily, 33 calories per kg of body weight to maintain his weight .
  • Reducing calories intake by 300 per day and increasing the physical activity to burn 200 calories per day results in weight loss of 400 Gms per week.
  • To satisfy basic nutritional needs eat a variety of foods every day. Choose from each of the five food groups milk, meat, fruit, vegetable and cereals. Balanced food plans encourage making wise choices about everyday food choices. This type of diet helps to stay at your proper weight for life.
  • Allow for an occasional treat.
  • Evaluate your eating pattern.
  • Try to cut down on foods high in fats and sugar.
  • Most successful weight – loss plans stress on reduction in both calories and the amount of fat eaten

Physical activity:

  • Determine the type of physical activity that suits your life style.
  • Regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging or swimming, is a key factor in achieving permanent weight loss and improving health
  • Health experts recommend exercising 30 minutes or more on all, days of the week for maximum benefits. The exercises should be moderately vigorous to be most effective but not exhausting.
  • Incorporate few simple measures to burn calories effectively. Like- taking an after dinner walk, using stairs instead of escalators or elevators, parking the car farther away to have a longer walk etc.
  • Exercises also improve sense of well being ,decreases stress and decreases appetite in some.

10 Essential Tips

  • Fry or sauté foods in a non-stick cook wear with low-calorie fat.
  • Baking or boiling is recommended instead of frying.
  • Eat high-fiber foods.
  • Use sugar substitutes while sweetening foods and beverages.
  • Opt for light menus in restaurants, or purchase low-calorie or reduced-fat products at the grocery store.
  • Never skip meals. Eat three to six times a day in smaller portions to avoid getting hungry.
  • Use a smaller plate at mealtime to satisfy your psychological need to see a full plate.
  • Eat and chew slowly. Stop eating before you feel full. (It takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that it is full!)
  • Weigh yourself on a regular schedule, but don’t become a slave to your scale.
  • Reward yourself with pleasures other than food--buy some new clothes, get a different hair style, see a movie, visit a friend, etc.

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101 best and useful websites that you must know …

8:14 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

01. – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube.
02. – for capturing full length screenshots of web pages.
03. – shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes.
04. – find the original URLs that's hiding behind a short URLs.
05. – know more than just the local time of a city
06. – copy special characters that aren't on your keyboard.
07. – a better search engine for twitter.
08. – search iOS app without launching iTunes.
09. – the best place to find icons of all sizes.
10. – download templates, clipart and images for your Office documents.
11. – everything you wanted to know about a website.
12. – scan any suspicious file or email attachment for viruses.
13. – gets answers directly without searching  - see more wolfram tips.
14. – print web pages without the clutter.
15. – reformats news articles and blog content as a newspaper.
16. – when you wish to share a NSFW page but with a warning.
17. – a simple online timer for your daily needs.
18. – if a site is down due to heavy traffic, try accessing it through coral CDN.
19. – pick random numbers, flip coins, and more.
20. – check the trust level of any website - example.
21. – Preview PDFs and Presentations directly in the browser.
22. – simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites.
23. – the best place for searching web videos.
24. – share you email address online without worrying about spam.
25. – now get read receipts for your email.
26. – visualize and compare the size of any product.
27. – quickly determine the font name from an image.
28. – a good collection of fonts – free for personal and commercial use.
29. – find data hidden in your photographs – see more EXIF tools.
30. – this is like an online version of Google Googles.
31. – helps you search domains across all TLDs.
32. – your favorite blogs delivered as PDFs.
33. – share you screen with anyone over the web.
34. – recognize text from scanned PDFs and images – see other OCR tools.
35. - Track flight status at airports worldwide.
36. – for sharing really big files online.
37. – a temporary online clipboard for your text and code snippets.
38. – check your writing for spelling or grammatical errors.
39. – easily highlight the important parts of a web page.
40. – work on the same document with multiple people.
41. – planning an event? find a date that works for all.
42. – a less confusing view of the world time zones.
43. – you'll need this when your bookmarked web pages are deleted.
44. – the perfect tool for measuring your site performance online.
45. - chat with your buddies on Skype, Facebook, Google Talk, etc. from one place.
46. – translate web pages, PDFs and Office documents.
47. – enjoy a never ending stream of YouTube videos in full-screen.
48. – discover new sites that are similar to what you like already.
49. – quick summarize long pieces of text with tag clouds.
50. – create mind-maps, brainstorm ideas in the browser.
51. – get color ideas, also extract colors from photographs.
52. – setup quick reminders via email itself.
53. – when your friends are too lazy to use Google on their own.
54. – generate temporary email aliases, better than disposable email.
55. – lets you can quickly edit PDFs in the browser itself.
56. – send an online fax for free – see more fax services.
57. – get RSS feeds as an email newsletter.
58. – transfer files without uploading to a server.
59. – setup a private chat room in micro-seconds.
60. – create text notes that will self-destruct after being read.
61. – live flight tracking service for airports worldwide.
62. – track the status of any shipment on Google Maps – alternative.
63. – when you need to raise funds online for an event or a cause.
64. – find if your favorite website is offline or not?
65. – this website can be used as an example in documentation.
66. – find the web host of any website.
67. – found something on Google but can't remember it now?
68. – find whether a photo is real or a photoshopped one.
69. – get word meanings, pronunciations and usage examples.
70. – find definitions of slangs and informal words.
71. – consult this site before choosing a seat for your next flight.
72. – download stock images absolutely free.
73. – view very high-resolution images in your browser without scrolling.
74. – unzip your compressed files online.
75. – record your voice with a click.
76. – create custom Google Maps easily.
77. – never miss another Internet meme or viral video.
78. – quickly setup email reminders for important events.
79. – prevent your ISP and boss from reading your search queries.
80. – you can ask or answer personal questions here.
81. – find if that email offer you received is real or just another scam.
82. – master touch-typing with these practice sessions.
83. – send video emails to anyone using your web cam.
84. – quickly send a file to someone, they can even preview it before downloading.
85. – create timelines with audio, video and images.
86. – make a movie out of your images, audio and video clips.
87. – an online audio editor that lets record, and remix audio clips online.
88. – print music sheets, write your own music online (review).
89. – create a temporary web page that self-destruct.
90. – when you need to find the name of a song.
91. – design from scratch or re-model your home in 3d.
92. – use email on your phone to find sports scores, read Wikipedia, etc.
93. – a beautiful to-do app that looks like your paper dairy.
94. – broadcast events live over the web, including your desktop screen.
95. – automatically find perfectly-sized wallpapers for mobiles.
96. – preserve complete web pages with all the formatting.
97. – your virtual whiteboard.
98. – send an email without using your own account.
99. – an excellent layer-based online image editor.
100. – create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps, etc.
101. – Get your Facebook and Twitter streams in your inbox.

credits :

AMD v/s Intel–Who is The Best

9:47 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Buying a computer can be a lengthy process involving many complex decisions, but none come with quite as much associated technical jargon as figuring out the best CPU.

And so before you even know it, you're drowning in talk of cores and clock speeds, socket types and memory controllers, power consumption, caches and more.

While you'll need to consider at least some of these issues, there's an easier way to approach your purchasing problems. And that's to ignore the fine detail, just for the moment, and focus first on a more fundamental question: Intel vs AMD, which processors are the best for you?

You'll probably find that answering this is much more straightforward. And once you've made your choice, many other decisions about your new PC will fall into place, saving you plenty of time.

Intel vs AMD: Intel CPUs

If you're after performance above else (and you've plenty of money) then Intel processors are the way to go. At least, in general - there are several different families available and you need to be careful which you choose.

Intel Core 2 CPUs are still available, for instance, but they've been around for a long time, no longer represent a good deal and unless you're working with an old motherboard, are probably best avoided.

Instead you'll be considering a Core i3, Core i5 or Core i7 processor, which will deliver budget, mid-range or high-end performance, respectively. Except, of course, it's not quite as simple as that, because these CPUs now come in two main flavours.

The mainstream Core i3, i5 and i7 processors are available in a Socket LGA1156 package (this defines how the CPU connects to the rest of your system, and so means you'll need a Socket LGA1156 motherboard as well). This doesn't represent the very latest in Intel technology, but it's relatively reasonably priced, and there are plenty of compatible motherboards around at all price levels.

The latest Core i3/ i5/ i7 processors, code-named Sandy Bridge and available in an LGA1155 package, are rather more interesting. Not only are they up to 40% faster than their predecessors, but they also come with an on-board graphics chip, so if you're not looking for much in the way of video performance then you probably won't have to buy a graphics card.

The CPUs and Socket LGA1175 boards you'll need to run them are more expensive, but only marginally (they're still available on sub-£1,000 PCs) so if you're looking for a good mainstream Intel solution then these are the way to go.

There is a small complication, though. Intel recently identified a problem with the SATA controller in the Sandy Bridge chipset, and had to recall many motherboards. The issue is fixed now, but supplies of some boards may remain short until April, so you might have to shop around.

The other option available right now is to choose a Core i7 CPU in an LGA1366 package. This will allow you to run the very fastest 6-core Core i7 CPUs, which deliver great speeds and are very overclockable. They're also hugely expensive, though, lack extras like on-board graphics chips, and aren't actually that much faster than the high-end Sandy Bridge systems, so we'd recommend you avoid them in most situations.

Intel vs AMD: the AMD competition

AMD processors aren't currently able to compete with Intel for raw speed, but that might be changing soon, and in the meantime they're able to deliver capable performance at an excellent price. And AMD is also far better at backward compatibility than Intel, so there's no confusion over socket types and multiple incompatible versions of the same CPU: buy an AM3 motherboard and it'll run just about anything.

AMD's Athlon II processors, for instance, are the budget products. They're available in X2, X3 and X4 varieties (the number tells you how many cores they have), and in different model numbers according to their clock speed. Performance isn't so great, but Athlon II CPUs will fit in both socket AM2+ and AM3 motherboards, so you'll have plenty of choice when building your PC.

AMD's Phenom II family are their mainstream products, equipped with more cache memory than the Athlon II's, and running at higher clock speeds for better performance. They're available in X2, X4 and even 6-core X6 varieties, and again the CPUs run on both AM2+ and AM3 motherboards.

And AMD plans to release new processors, code-named Bulldozer and Llano, starting this June and July. Many of the CPUs will include on-board graphics chips, some will have 8 cores, and it's rumoured that performance will be 50% up on the Phenom II, which if true would mean they'll deliver speeds very similar to Intel's Sandy Bridge systems.

For the best results you'll need to run to run AMD's next generation CPUs on the upcoming AM3+ chipset motherboards, but the good news is that once again AMD are working to ensure backward compatibility. And so if you buy an AM3 motherboard today, you can equip it with an Athlon II CPU, but still upgrade to a Bulldozer CPU later on, and you shouldn't have too much of a performance penalty.

Intel vs AMD: which is best?

We've looked at the two product ranges, then - but which is best? It all depends on what you're looking for.

If price is key, then the AMD Athlon II X2 255 makes an excellent choice. It's available for under £40 as we write, and has more than enough power to handle basic PC tasks.

If you've a little more money and need extra performance from your CPU, then AMD's best mid-range offering is perhaps the Phenom II X4 965, some 35% faster than the Athlon II X2 255, and yours from around £100.

Intel's LGA1156-based Core i3-560 is a similar performer and available for the same price, though. And the new LGA1155-based Core i3-2100 goes further still, delivering perhaps 10% more speed for under £100, so that would probably be our preferred choice here (depending on your motherboard requirements).

And if performance matters more than anything else, then right now there's no substitute for the LGA1155-based Core i7-2600K (the K means the multiplier is unlocked, allowing the CPU to be overclocked). It's perhaps twice the speed of the AMD Athlon II X2 255, yet is relatively affordable (in Intel terms at least) at around £240.

If you don't have to buy your CPU until the summer, though, it may be worth waiting. AMD's Bulldozer promises performance very similar to the high-end Intel chips, and experience tells us they're likely to be significantly cheaper - so postponing your PC for a month or two could save you a noticeable amount of cash.

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Updated & Complete list of Facebook Chat Emoticons …

2:50 PM Edit This 0 Comments »


:) or :-) or :] or =)


:( or :-( or :[ or =(


:p or :-p or =P

Big Smile

:D or :-D or =D


:O or :-O or :o or :-o


;) or ;-)


8) or 8-) or B) or B-)


8| or 8-| or B| or B-|


>:( or >:-(


:/ or :-/ or :\ or :-\




3:) or 3:-)


O:) or O:-)


:* or :-*








O.o or o.O


>:O or >:-O or >:o or >:-o



Colon Three / curly Lips












Text Formatting

To make your text bold, place it between two asterisk characters.

*Stop Yelling* will display in Facebook Chat as: Stop Yelling

To underline your text, place it between two underscore characters.

_Important Point_ will display  in Facebook Chat as: Important Point

To underline and make bold, place the text between both asterisk and underscore characters.

_*STOP*_ will display in Facebook Chat as: STOP

UPDATE : these will not be usable in new facebook chat system …

The Difference Between a Computer Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse

12:06 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Viruses, worms and Trojan Horses are all malicious programs that can cause damage to your computer, but there are differences among the three.

One common mistake that people make when the topic of a computer virus arises is to refer to a worm or Trojan horse as a virus. While the words Trojan, worm and virus are often used interchangeably, they are not exactly the same thing. Viruses, worms and Trojan Horses are all malicious programs that can cause damage to your computer, but there are differences among the three, and knowing those differences can help you better protect your computer from their often damaging effects.

What Is a Virus?

A computer virus attaches itself to a program or file enabling it to spread from one computer to another, leaving infections as it travels. Like a human virus, a computer virus can range in severity: some may cause only mildly annoying effects while others can damage your hardware, software or files. Almost all viruses are attached to an executable file, which means the virus may exist on your computer but it actually cannot infect your computer unless you run or open the malicious program. It is important to note that a virus cannot be spread without a human action, (such as running an infected program) to keep it going. Because a virus is spread by human action people will unknowingly continue the spread of a computer virus by sharing infecting files or sending emails with viruses asattachments in the email.

What Is a Worm?


Server virtualization is growing in popularity, but the technology for securing it lags.: To protect your virtual network, read “3 Ways to Secure Your Virtualized Data Center” now.

A worm is similar to a virus by design and is considered to be a sub-class of a virus. Worms spread from computer to computer, but unlike a virus, it has the capability to travel without any human action. A worm takes advantage of file or information transport features on your system, which is what allows it to travel unaided.

The biggest danger with a worm is its capability to replicate itself on your system, so rather than your computer sending out a single worm, it could send out hundreds or thousands of copies of itself, creating a huge devastating effect. One example would be for a worm to send a copy of itself to everyone listed in your e-mail address book. Then, the worm replicates and sends itself out to everyone listed in each of the receiver's address book, and the manifest continues on down the line.

Due to the copying nature of a worm and its capability to travel across networks the end result in most cases is that the worm consumes too much system memory (or network bandwidth), causing Web servers, network servers and individual computers to stop responding. In recent worm attacks such as the much-talked-about Blaster Worm, the worm has been designed to tunnel into your system and allow malicious users to control your computer remotely.

What Is a Trojan horse?

A Trojan Horse is full of as much trickery as the mythological Trojan Horse it was named after. The Trojan Horse, at first glance will appear to be useful software but will actually do damage once installed or run on your computer.  Those on the receiving end of a Trojan Horse are usually tricked into opening them because they appear to be receiving legitimate software or files from a legitimate source.  When a Trojan is activated on your computer, the results can vary. Some Trojans are designed to be more annoying than malicious (like changing your desktop, adding silly active desktop icons) or they can cause serious damage by deleting files and destroying information on your system. Trojans are also known to create abackdoor on your computer that gives malicious users access to your system, possibly allowing confidential or personal information to be compromised. Unlike viruses and worms, Trojans do not reproduce by infecting other files nor do they self-replicate.

What Are Blended Threats?

Added into the mix, we also have what is called a blended threat. A blended threat is a more sophisticated attack that bundles some of the worst aspects of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and malicious code into one single threat. Blended threats can use server and Internet vulnerabilities to initiate, then transmit and also spread an attack. Characteristics of blended threats are that they cause harm to the infected system or network, they propagates using multiple methods, the attack can come from multiple points, and blended threats also exploit vulnerabilities.

To be considered a blended thread, the attack would normally serve to transport multiple attacks in one payload. For example it wouldn't just launch a DoS attack — it would also, for example, install a backdoor and maybe even damage a local system in one shot. Additionally, blended threats are designed to use multiple modes of transport. So, while a worm may travel and spread through e-mail, a single blended threat could use multiple routes including e-mail, IRC and file-sharing sharing networks.

Lastly, rather than a specific attack on predetermined .exe files, a blended thread could do multiple malicious acts, like modify your exe files, HTML files and registry keys at the same time — basically it can cause damage within several areas of your network at one time.

Blended threats are considered to be the worst risk to security since the inception of viruses, as most blended threats also require no human intervention to propagate.

Tips to Combat Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses on Your Computer

Keep The Operating System Updated

The first step in protecting your computer from any malicious there is to ensure that your operating system (OS) is up-to-date. This is essential if you are running a Microsoft Windows OS. Secondly, you need to have anti-virus software installed on your system and ensure you download updates frequently to ensure your software has the latest fixes for new viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Additionally, you want to make sure your anti-virus program has the capability to scan e-mail and files as they are downloaded from the Internet, and you also need to run full disk scans periodically. This will help prevent malicious programs from even reaching your computer.

Use a Firewall

You should also install a firewall. A firewall is a system that prevents unauthorized use and access to your computer. A firewall can be either hardware or software. Hardware firewalls provide a strong degree of protection from most forms of attack coming from the outside world and can be purchased as a stand-alone product or in broadband routers. Unfortunately, when battling viruses, worms and Trojans, a hardware firewall may be less effective than a software firewall, as it could possibly ignore embedded worms in out going e-mails and see this as regular network traffic.

For individual home users, the most popular firewall choice is a software firewall.  A good software firewall will protect your computer from outside attempts to control or gain access your computer, and usually provides additional protection against the most common Trojan programs or e-mail worms. The downside to software firewalls is that they will only protect the computer they are installed on, not a network.

It is important to remember that on its own a firewall is not going to rid you of your computer virus problems, but when used in conjunction with regular operating system updates and a good anti-virus scanning software, it will add some extra security and protection for your computer or network.

Did You Know... CodeRed, a blended threat, launched DoS attacks, defaced Web servers, and its variant, CodeRed II, left Trojan horses behind for later execution. CodeRed was processed in memory — not on a hard disk — allowing it to slip past some anti-virus products. Computer Economics has estimated the worldwide cost of CodeRed at $2.62 billion dollars. [Source:Symantec Web site]

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