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Regula-Falsi Method or Method of False position for the Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations–Programming in Language C

12:07 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

#define pf printf
#define sf scanf
float f(float x)
      return (YOUR FUNCTION HERE);
void regula(float *x,float x0,float x1,float fx0, float fx1,int *itr)
     *x= x0-((x1-x0)/(fx1-fx0))*fx0;
     pf("iteration no %3d X = %7.8f\n",*itr,*x);
      int itr=0,maxitr;
      float x0,x1,x2,x3,aerr;
pf("enter the values of x0,x1,allowed error,maximum iterations\n");
sf("%f %f %f %d",&x0,&x1,&aerr,&maxitr);
                   pf("after %d iterations root = %6.3f\n",itr,x3);
                   //return 0;
}while (itr<maxitr);
pf("solution does not converge\niteration not sufficient");
//return 1;


PS : adjust the value of error & output float range to get accurate value efficiently.

Method of Bisection for the Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations–Programming in Language C

12:03 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

#define pf printf
#define sf scanf
float f(float x)
      return (YOUR FUNCTION HERE);
void bisect(float *x,float a,float b,int *itr)
     pf("iteration no %3d X = %7.3f\n",*itr,*x);
      int itr=0,maxitr;
      float x,a,b,aerr,x1;
pf("enter the values of a,b,allowed error,maximum iterations\n");
sf("%f %f %f %d",&a,&b,&aerr,&maxitr);
                   pf("after %d iterations root = %6.3f\n",itr,x1);
                   //return 0;
}while (itr<maxitr);
pf("solution does not converge\niteration not sufficient");
//return 1;


PS : adjust the value of error & output float range to get accurate value efficiently.

Euler’s Modified Method for Ordinary Differential Equation of First Order–Programming in Language C

8:56 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

float f(float x, float y)
void main()
int i,n;
float x0,y0,xi,x,y,x1,h,y1;
printf("enter the values of x0,y0,h,x, \n");
scanf("%f %f %f %f",&x0,&y0,&h,&xi);
printf("when x=%8.10f,y=%8.10f \n",x,y);

By – Ramen Mukherjee

Euler’s Method for Ordinary Differential Equation of First Order–Programming in Language C

6:50 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

float f(float x,float y)
     float x0,y0,h,x,x1,y1;
     int n,i;
     printf("enter the values of x0 y0 h x\n");
     scanf("%f %f %f %f",&x0,&y0,&h,&x);
              printf("when x=%8.30f : y=%8.30f\n",x1,y1);

By – Ramen Mukherjee

this program has some bug issues.anyone who can make this perfect please do that so and post here.lots of thanks in advance.


the PHANTOM bug is that whenever the value of x is given 0.2 ,0.3 ,1.3 the program either exits abnormally or increases or decreases the given x by 0.1 automatically.i have absolutely no clue why it happens.bug 2
the program is full proof and it gives accurate results UPTO 30 DECIMAL PLACES !!.i tested myself this program on all NORMAL problems given in the book.but surprisingly this program failed to run and exits whenever i tried to put the function & values given to me in my college laboratory by my teacher.
when the x is given 0.1 , 1.0 , 1.3 , 0.5 etc etc.and this problem varies between different given value and the functions.


when i increased the decimal place upto 35 i saw that the value which we are thinking as 2.2 is not at all 2.2.see yourself…. bug 1
it is much more than that.maybe of a very very low amount but still powerful enough to make 2.3 to 2.4 or 2.5 to 2.4 which i already stated as the PHANTOM INCREMENT-DECREMENT.
but i still don't know why the program exits at some points like 1.2 or something.maybe the inbuilt buffer of my already ultra high laptop is overflown.or maybe a stronger programming ,more efficient language is needed.maybe i would try this program in JAVA someday.


My Poem …

3:18 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

dedicated to my EX gf …


aajo mone pore tomar boka boka kotha,
aajo mone pore shei brishti te naach kora din guli,
aajo mone pore shei bharer cha khete khete golpo kora
aajo mone pore purono diner kotha
aajo kol baalise tomar aaghran ...
bichanar khanj e tomar chul khuje pai ...
aaynay tomar lukochuri ..
kingba fele dewa tukto kaagoje tomar thai...
sobuj khatay lekha kobita ...
r bhalobasar chinno sori ...
bhije jay baaliser kon
jure keno aacho ekhono amar mon???
keno tumi nei?
ki korechi ami?
keno koste koste kori ami nishijapon?
prosno kore ami khuje mori sarakkhon ...
ontoro the onubhut hoy ETAI CHIRONTON ....


dhonyobaad er aashay kobita lekhe na kono prematur mon..
se to fire fire more, more matha kute
khuje tao nahi paay premero faagun ...

© RM

MOST powerful desktop CPU ….

11:17 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Thought Socket 1366 was dead? Think again. Intel have officially launched the 3.46GHz, six core, twelve thread, 12MB L2 cache, 32nm, 130W TDP Core i7-990X. The i7-990X will slot nicely into Intel’s Core i7 Extreme Edition lineup.

The new beauty and the beast

It will also take over from the 3.33GHz i7-980X as Socket’s 1366’s flagship processor, even though they really aren’t all that different from each other. The 980X was announced quite a while back and I was looking forward to a nice price drop, which we will still be getting in time, but launching a nearly identical processor, with only a slight bump in clock speed, for the same price ($999, approximately Rs. 45,000) is a real head scratcher.
Anyway, thanks to the launch of the i7-990X, the i7-970 and the i7-960 have received price drops to $583 (Rs. 26,000) and $294 (Rs. 13,000), which are decent prices for the processors, especially for the hex-core i7-970.


11:04 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You

There comes a time when you must stand alone.
You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.
You must be willing to make sacrifices.
You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.
Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged.
There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.
Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.
Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by.
Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life.
Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way.

Work hard at what you like to do and try to overcome all obstacles
Laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them
Pick some flowers and appreciate the beauty of nature
Say hello to strangers and enjoy the people you know
Don't be afraid to show your emotions laughing and crying make you feel better
Love your friends and family with your entire being they are the most important part of your life
Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day
Find a rainbow and live your world of dreams always remember life is better than it seems


Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.

A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.

Appreciating Our Past

It is easy to be negative about past mistakes and unhappiness. But it is much more healing to look at ourselves and our past in the light of experience, acceptance, and growth.

Our past is a series of lessons that advance us to higher levels of living and loving. The relationships we entered, stayed in, or ended taught us necessary lessons.

Some of us have emerged from the most painful circumstances with strong insights about who we are and what we want. Our mistakes? Necessary. Our frustrations, failures, and sometimes stumbling attempts at growth and progress? Necessary too. Each step of the way, we learned. We went through exactly the experiences we need to, to become who we are today. Each step of the way, we progressed. Is our past a mistake? No. The only mistake we can make is mistaking that for the truth.

Today, God, help me let go of negative thoughts I may be harboring about my past circumstances or relationships. I can accept, with gratitude, all that has brought me to today.

A Lesson in Life

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.

If someone hurts you, betrays you , or breaks you heart, forgive them. For they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open your heart to.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.

Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.

You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

credits :

Most Powerful Thoughts

11:00 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

The most powerful we have are our thoughts and at the conscious level we used the least. If we put our thoughts in real life we can create here and you will find your life to be a reflection of your thoughts and therefore proving this to be true.

There are many thoughts that we can have. There are thoughts of abundance, of lack, of poverty, of wealth, of health, of sickness, of being fat, of being slender, of being safe, of being unsafe, of being a victim, of being in charge, of being afraid, of being brave, of lack of self worth, of having self worth, of being happy, of being sad, and it goes on.

These thoughts then form into a feeling and that feeling is then expressed in your life as what you experience. Then when you experience it, you find it to be true because after all you had the experience of it and so form a belief around it. You have more thoughts about what you have experienced, strengthen the feeling about it, believe it even more, and therefore experience it even more. So the cycle continues.

A belief is just a thought that you repeatedly think. If you change the thought, you change the feelings and the experience. You break the cycle by changing your thoughts. You set into motion another experience.

We can hold a thought firmly in our minds to attract to us what we desire to have or experience. This is the gift that we have been given. To use our minds to form the thoughts that will form our life as we choose. In doing so, we create in our lives the experiences we choose to have and in our selves the attributes that we wish to possess.

It is by holding the thought so steadfastly and with unwavering certainty that we may create anything that we may choose to have, be, do, or experience. This is the key to using your thoughts in a most powerful way.

To lock your mind on a thought as intensely as a directed laser beam and to repeatedly think that thought. This is the power behind your thoughts. If you keep changing your mind which is really changing your thoughts then you lose and dilute the power of the thought.

But if you passionately hold your focus on a thought, you will feel it become stronger and as it becomes stronger, you are causing that experience to happen in your life.

Thoughts are held on two levels: conscious and subconscious with the unconscious being a sublevel of the conscious. The conscious and unconscious levels are the ones we should pay the most attention to.

The unconscious thoughts are the ones generated many times from outside influences. We take this information into our minds, form a belief around it, and then it becomes part of our thought process. This unconscious thought will then be reflected in our life through experiences or expressed as a conscious belief or thought. If we are not in more awareness of the material that is coming into our minds then we are allowing our thoughts and beliefs to be formed by someone else.

We look at a situation in our life and think it to be true when the only real truth about it is that we allowed ourselves to be influenced by the thoughts of others. Unconscious thoughts are also the thoughts running through your mind that you are unconscious of because you have not taken the time to be aware of what is going through your mind.

Consciousness thoughts are ones that we form, of course, consciously. We decide for ourselves what thought or belief we choose to hold about something. But on an even deeper level, it is listening to all the thoughts that go through your mind.

Have you ever just listened to what your mind is saying? It would probably amaze you and you may even think where did that thought come from? Well, we may or may not know where it came from, but the decision to be made is whether you want to keep it or do you choose to change it into something that enhances your life in a positive way?

As you become more conscious of the thoughts you have, you will then become more aware of the other thoughts and beliefs all around you and therefore choose in a conscious way what you will allow to enter your mind and become your beliefs. It is these conscious thoughts that you focus on that will become that which you see and experience in your life.

Both the conscious and unconscious thoughts are impressed on the subconscious. The subconscious is where the real power comes to create in your life. What is impressed on the subconscious is what is expressed in your life.

The subconscious does not make decisions and is impartial to what is imprinted on it. This is where your responsibility comes in. What do you want your subconscious to receive and act upon.

An analogy is that the subconscious is like the earth and will grow whatever is planted in it. Do you want to plant seeds of corn or do you want to plant seeds of a poisonous plant like poison oak?

Either one will grow in the soil of the subconscious, but the fruit of the plant brought forth will vastly differ. It is up to you to responsibly and consciously plant the seeds for the harvest you wish to enjoy and experience.

Our thoughts are ours to shape and hold. Our mind is the powerful generator of our thoughts. You have been given these wonderful resources to create for your self the life you choose.

You are the pianist. Your mind is the piano. The piano keys are your thoughts. How beautiful and creative will the composition of your life be?

credits :

Top secret Coca Cola recipe revealed!

8:15 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

London, Feb 15 (IANS) The top secret recipe of one of the world's most popular beverages, Coca Cola, which was kept locked in a steel vault in Atlanta city and guarded 24-hours a day, has now been leaked by a website.

The drink was created by pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886. Its recipe reportedly contains the exact measures of all the different oils needed for Coca Cola's secret ingredient - Merchandise 7X.

Despite making up only one percent of the drink's total formula, Merchandise 7X gives the popular soft drink its unique taste, the Daily Telegraph reported.

However, website claims to have discovered a list in a photograph in a newspaper article giving the ingredients and exact quantities to make the drink.

The Feb 8, 1979, edition of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a photograph of someone holding open a book with a recipe claimed to be an exact replica of Pemberton's.

The 'secret' recipe is al follows:

Fluid extract of Coca 3 drams USP

Citric acid 3 oz

Caffeine 1 oz

Sugar 30 (quantity unclear from the markings)

Water 2.5 gal

Lime juice 2 pints 1 qrt

Vanilla 1 oz

Caramel 1.5 oz or more to colour

7X flavour (use 2oz of flavour to 5 gals syrup)

Alcohol 8 oz

Orange oil 20 drops

Lemon oil 30 drops

Nutmeg oil 10 drops

Coriander 5 drops

Neroli 10 drops

Cinnamon 10 drops


the problem is that whatever be the ingredient is they r still poisonous enough for our health.and i dont know what government are thinking we will not tolerate such kind of ill treatment from ban on cold drinks r must.

credits :

AIRCEL wifi ..

9:18 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
  • aircel wifi is not wimax it is just like wifi hot spots like we use in our college campus.its like an array of wi fi hot still its nt wimax…

  • here are the FAQ from the site …
    What is Aircel Wi-Fi?

  • Aircel Wi-Fi is a service that allows you to browse the Internet without connecting to broadband via wired connection. Through Wi-Fi you can access the Internet just about anywhere at any time, without using wires.

  • How is it different from GPRS/PI?

    While both GPRS and Wi-Fi offer wireless internet connection, the major difference is:

    a. GPRS needs an active SIM connection whereas Wi-Fi does not need any SIM. You can connect to your Wi-Fi network even if you don’t have an active SIM.
    b. Speed is the major difference between GPRS/PI and Wi-FI, where Wi-Fi provides with better speed over GPRS/PI.

  • What are the advantages of Aircel Wi-Fi?

    Aircel Wi-Fi gives you freedom from connecting wires and helps you connect your laptop or mobile to the Internet easily.

  • How can I log in or signup for the first time?

    Logging on to Aircel Wi-Fi is very simple. You will have to follow a few steps:

    1. After you have reached the Wi-Fi hotspot, you need to switch 'on' the Wi-Fi option of your laptop or mobile.
    2. Search for the available network or refresh the available network list. You will see “AIRCEL_SPECTRANET” option on the list of networks available.
    3. Click on AIRCEL_SPECTRANET network and click Connect.
    4. Once you are connected to the network, open any browser and type
    5. The AIRCEL SPECTRANET page with an option to sign up would be displayed.
    6. On clicking the new user sign-up option, you would be required to enter your 10-digit Aircel mobile number.
    7. After you have submitted the mobile number, you would be sent an authorization password through an SMS to your mobile.
    8. Enter the authorization password on the webpage on your mobile or laptop and click Submit.
    9. After you have submitted the authorization password, you would be charged for your plan and you would be sent your user ID and password on your mobile phone through an SMS.
    10. Use the user ID (your mobile number) and password received to log in to your AIRCEL SPECTRANET account and now you can browse the Internet for 1 hour. Please do not close the AIRCEL SPECTRANET window till the time you are browsing.


  • What are the charges for signing up and using this service?

    Initially, Aircel Wi-Fi is for free for Aircel users till 20th Feb, 2011 under the Free Trial Offer. Post this, we will offer an hourly plan of Rs.15 only. This charge would be adjusted against your postpaid bill or would be deducted from your prepaid balance.

  • What if I do not have sufficient balance in my mobile?

    If you do not have sufficient balance, you would not be able to register with this service.

  • Are there browsing charges also?

    No, other than the registration charge of Rs.15 for an hour, there are no other charges for browsing.

  • Is there any upper limit of data usage or can I download unlimited data?

    Keeping in view the fair use policy, you can download up to 30MB of data. After that you would have to register with the service again.


  • I am not able to connect to Wi-Fi.

    Make sure:

    1. The Wi-Fi light is ‘on’.
    2. The Wi-Fi signal is excellent. If the signal strength is low or medium it is suggested that you move around a little to catch good signal strength.
    3. Proxy is off.

  • I have not got my password or received the password through SMS.

    Please check if your mobile inbox is not full. You may also click the Re-send option at the bottom of the page to re-send the password again.

  • The password is not getting accepted/working; or I may have forgotten it.

    If you have forgotten the password, you may use the ‘Forgot Password’ option at the AIRCEL SPECTRANET web page. If the password is not getting accepted, use the ‘Forgot Password’ option to receive the password again.

  • How do I switch off the proxy?

    Please follow the steps below:

    1. Go to Tools option on the Internet Explorer.
    2. Select Internet Options.
    3. Go to Connections.
    4. Select LAN Settings and switch off the proxy.

  • I am connecting to Wi-Fi properly but it is getting disconnected frequently.

    Make sure:

    1. You are not near any electronic appliance such as microwave, cordless phone etc.
    2. The connection is not disabled.
    3. The Wi-Fi light is ‘on’.
    4. The Wi-Fi signal is excellent. If the signal strength is low or medium it is suggested that you move around a little to catch good signal strength.
    5. Proxy is off.

  • The connection speed is slow.

    Connect to the Spectranet speed test site ( and check the speed that you are getting.

  • Not been able to access the sites.

    If the log in/welcome page is visible, you may need to log out and log in again since the system may automatically log you out after a period of inactivity. If only some sites are inaccessible, there may be a problem at the remote end. Please try again after some time.

  • Can I use this in every Spectranet hotspot?

    No, you can only use this service at an Aircel Spectranet hotspot. These hotspots can be identified by their display name - AIRCEL_SPECTRANET.

  • How can I check my remaining time?

    Go to “Manage Account” where you can check the details of your remaining time.

  • What Is Cloud Antivirus ?

    7:31 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
    What Is Cloud AntiVirus

    Unlike traditional antivirus software, cloud antivirus refers to the type of antivirus that runs on the cloud(remote server). Cloud Antivirus will scan all your files through the internet and run the tests on their own server, in this way it won’t disrupt any of your computer activity nor will it slow down your computer.

    Another benefit of cloud antivirus is that instead of having to update traditional antivirus software routinely, it automatically updates the virus definitions in the cloud and then scans your files to see if it is infected with any of the new virus. It saves the headache of having to manage the antivirus software daily.

    Users must have seamlessly fast DSL/Broadband connection in order to make full use of cloud antivirus, without the internet connection the cloud antivirus won’t work. It doesn’t mean that it won’t protect your computer when you are offline, Cloud Antivirus such as Panda Cloud Antivirus saves informations and signatures in the local cache which helps keep the system secure even when it goes offline.

    Cloud Antivirus – What is Cloud Anti virus? After al host of business applications going in the cloud now we also haveCloud Antivirus – an Anti virus hosted in the cloud.

    The first question that comes to mind when we talk of the Cloud Antivirus is if the Antivirus is in the cloud how it will protect the PC? We dug little deeper to understand what exactly these services that claim themselves as Cloud Antivirusoffer.

    How Cloud Antivirus is different from traditional antivirus products?

    Cloud Antivirus is a cloud based security solution that can be installed and managed from anywhere through a web console. Since it is a hosted service, it doesn’t require infrastructure investment. You typically have options to delegate your security management to expert service providers.

    So it is essentially more about management of Antivirus in any organization that goes in the cloud. There will still be an Antivirus product installed in each PC and laptop you have. However you have options to control the updates, profiles and levels of security from a cloud based control panel. However the installed part on PC is a thin version of traditional antivirus product.

    How the Cloud Antivirus is deployed?

    Normally the Cloud Antivirus can be deployed in two ways. One in which the user clicks on an email which includes a link that will install the protection agent. The other way is where administrator can push the installation to workstations choosing workstations by name, IP address, IP range or by domain.

    What are advantages of Cloud Antivirus?

    Cloud Antivirus is service not software and so has follwoing advantages:

    No installation required
    Update without users intervention – always up to date
    Access your account from anywhere
    Reduces bandwidth consumption (as large number of workstations look for updates in traditional software)

    What are Free Cloud Antivirus?

    They are similar to other free anti virus but hosted in cloud. You get advantage of low footprint and up to date packages. An example of free cloud anti virus is Panda Cloud antivirus.

    What Is Cloud Anti-Virus and How Does It Work?

    9:50 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

    Anti-virus companies are increasingly highlighting cloud-based capabilities of their products, extolling benefits such as “the speed of cloud computing to deliver real-time protection.” What does that mean? Let’s examine the key characteristics of cloud anti-virus products, surveying the technology while attempting to cut through the hype.

    Defining Cloud Anti-Virus

    I haven’t been able to locate an authoritative definition of cloud anti-virus, so I humbly propose my own:

    Cloud anti-virus is anti-malware technology that uses lightweight agent software on the protected endpoint, while offloading the majority of data analysis to the provider’s infrastructure.

    I believe this definition is consistent with the description, capabilities and architecture of most cloud anti-virus products.

    Improving System Load with a Lightweight Agent

    Cloud anti-virus employs agent software on the protected endpoint that is much lighter than the installed components of traditional anti-virus tools. This implies that cloud anti-virus imposes less strain on the system’s resources.

    Instead of having to assess whether a file is malicious by performing analysis locally, the agent captures the relevant details from the endpoint and provides them to the cloud engine for processing.

    To further improve performance, the agent can be more intelligent about how it intercepts file access prior to scanning. Panda Cloud Antivirus attributed performance improvement in their product to such redesign:

    “Traditionally AV engines have intercepted files and objects in multiple layers (entry vector, file system and execution). In each layer, each object is scanned by multiple technologies, such as antivirus signatures, rules, heuristics, behavioral analysis, etc. This redundancy of scans results in a degradation of user experience…”

    Programs that are about to be launched need to be analyzed before execution occurs. Files that have been downloaded, but not yet opened can be asynchronously scanned later when the system is idle.

    The idea of sending a file for analysis even before it is being used was described earlier in the CloudAV: N-Version Antivirus in the Network Cloud paper by Jon Oberheide, Evan Cooke, and Farnam Jahanian. As the paper pointed out, this approach “amortizes the transmission and analysis cost over the time elapsed between file creation and system or user-initiated access.”

    The relative simplicity of the agent installed on the endpoint decreases the attack surface of the local software, making it less likely that the anti-virus agent itself can be compromised due to a vulnerability.

    Endpoint to Cloud Connectivity

    If the endpoint is not connected to the Internet, its ability to protect the user is limited because it cannot query the anti-virus cloud. Cloud anti-virus can address this by storing a local cache of the most relevant queries on the end-point. The cache can also contain results of earlier queries, so that the files that have already been checked don’t need to be checked again.

    The cache doesn’t provide the same detection capabilities for new files as the cloud service; however, the risk is balanced by the user being typically less vulnerable when disconnected from the Internet.

    Network bandwidth limitations prevent most cloud anti-virus products from sending complete contents of files that need to be scanned. Instead, cloud anti-virus typically submits information about the file when seeking the cloud’s opinion about the file. As described by Yury Mashevsky in The Antivirus Weather Forecast: Cloudy, the meta data includes:

    “the file’s unique identifier (the hash function), data about how the file came to be in the system, how it behaved, etc. New threats are identified in the cloud using metadata even though the files themselves are not actually transmitted to the cloud for initial analysis.”

    Note that the file’s identifier may be its traditional hash, such as MD5. However, since polymorphic malware may change its code, relying on a traditional hash alone isn’t sufficient. The agent may need to capture fuzzy hashes as well as other descriptive information about the file to identify it.

    Data Analysis in the Cloud

    The processing of the data collected by agents on protected end-points is analyzed by the servers of the anti-virus service provider. If malicious activities are observed on some endpoints in association with files not previously considered malicious, cloud anti-virus updates its perspective on those files for the subsequent queries.

    Yury Mashevsky described server-side processing of cloud anti-virus as an expert system that is automatically trained based on the input received from endpoint agents. One of the benefits of offloading analysis to the cloud is that the decision engine’s logic isn’t directly accessible to authors of malware, making it hardware for attackers to assess the tool’s effectiveness.

    Jon Oberheide et al. discussed the possibility of deploying multiple scanning engines in the provider’s cloud. Some traditional anti-virus products deploy multiple engines directly on the endpoint. Moving the engines into the cloud would relieve the endpoint from having to deal with processing the load locally. However, to accomplish such scanning in the cloud, the endpoint would need to upload full file contents, rather merely transmitting the associated meta data.

    Behavior Monitoring and Blocking

    Cloud anti-virus is usually combined with other malware detection techniques, which are found in traditional anti-virus products. These approaches may include identifying malware based on suspicious heuristic or behavioral characteristics. Behavioral analysis may pick up on potentially-malicious actions on the endpoint such as:

    • Modifying the “hosts” file
    • Creating the “autorun.inf” file on a removable drive or a network share
    • Sending a lot of email in a short period of time
    • Generating new executable programs
    • Modifying “auto-run” registry keys

    When a certain threshold of suspicious actions is observed on the endpoint, the agent can block the relevant program and report the incident to the cloud. This way, other users of the product will benefit from the experience of other users.

    Cloud anti-virus is a promising approach to protecting endpoints from malware. It is implemented by standalone tools and is incorporated into many traditional anti-virus products in attempts to keep up with malware threats.

    Lenny Zeltser

    View full post on Lenny Zeltser on Information Security

    Its all OVER ….

    10:43 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

    Today finally I deleted her from my entire may I ever delete her from my mind ? I don’t know bt it is one thing that I must try. her behaviour towards me is becoming bad day by day. It hurts me very much. maybe she don’t have any value for me bt to me I have value for myself. the mistake I did is bring my level by making her my friend, dropping down to her level and making her my best friend is the worst mistake done by me for what I m paying for…..

    She never understood me. She never tried. She always treated her own will never heard mine yet I thought of her being my one of best & trusted friends. All she does is speaking of ETHICS & VALUES of friendship bt she forgets the most important & first rule of friendship that there is no rule & no limit….

    I never made her my friend nor I was after her to get my friendship back just because she is a girl ,bt she is now refusing my friendship NOW just because I m a boy.actually its her cleaver plan by making me this much irritated so that I say “ITS OVER”.and yes she won and I said that to her today.and I know she will now tell everyone that I m the one who BROKE the fridndship.just she told that I BROKE the love.huh ! amusing….

    I don’t expect anyone to believe me because I hardly care for I m no special to anyone ,no one is special to me also, well obviously with few exceptions.

    I seriously don’t know why I m like this. why it is so hard for me to let anyone go. actually I have only 2 two true friend in this whole world. Others r just acquaintance…. I stop trusting in my previous posts I told that I m on my own.

    I just want to sleep a never ending sleep …

    It is me Ramen Mukherjee ..signing off

    Stagnantized …..

    10:29 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

    It’s been a long time. I kept on thinking should I continue this blog of mine which I loved so much? Because I’m nt getting any response. For that much of thoughts, I have shared with u all for so long no responses have been received yet. And yes because my life is rather a very stagnant one. Same old routine I follow each day and at the end of it I feel my ass kicked enough to be pained.

    I’m too tired these days to talk anything about my same old boring life. Nothing happened since then when I last written on this blog. Thought of much in my life gt yet so little. Meaningless life is what I’m leading right now. Nothing to loose more except ofcource my soul. Everything aroud me is nt seems to fit in, nt perfect for me, they r nt comforting me obviously if they r doing that why I m writing this god damned post here?

    My social life is ruined as I feel reluctant enough not to do anything online. First factor is always the short time I get & second is my lack of true friends over net. It all seems boring. Daily group net sms & sending scrap wall tweets buzz all over the net to all. They r all shouting about same thing. The social network what I used to be habituated of was more than just doing these, that had a life now its stone cold.

    There is no frill in my life and I know that I have written this line for many times. I have always kept my word given bt don’t know why I don’t like to be myself now. I like to fly away from myself. To far far away. I m sick of being no one for all. I like to be someone else. Start a new something new.

    Why I m so thirsty? Why I m nt satisfied? Why I want all things to be so perfect? Am I perfect? If not then why? And how I can be more perfect I don’t know… I really don’t know. yes I m very moody and sometimes very sensitive. Yes many things hurt me and I learned how to get over them bt still maybe I m nt upto the mark supressing my inner feelings for that many take advantages of it..

    Why still I miss her friendship? I don’t know. Maybe really there was something between us bt yes I have came to know her true face and that is nt what I used to see, maybe that’s her mask she wore to impress her real face feels much more true to me that her previous one or her mask …and what fool I m to think of writing the entire classes for her in a copy where she already did the Xerox on her first day even I came to college. she never even bothered to ask me for any kind of help. never asked me truly how and I where I made clear to her that I MISSED HER …the most funny thing is I m criticizing her here just because I m so angry with her? Shit .,…

    They say that this is my high time to make my future bt what if there is no future of this dying person? All I want it to live free for the last last time I want to breathe ….i never said to them LEAVE ME ALONE though they all left me maybe I will live that long to see them ALONE. that day my friend I will laugh at them as they r doing the same to me. they mock me because I m of higher degree than them. They envy me. and that reflects nt only in their words bt in actions too. Perhaps she wants me to beg to her bt if she thinks me of spineless then it will be only her folly nt mine.

    No I dnt want to share anything new. I simply don’t want to tell u about some new technology.not someday when I go to the top and u will stay at the bottom U WILL THINK that what if we all stayed with him in the time when he needed us so much.

    Bt leave them as I m self made man I have walked the 20 years by my own and rest of the road I will walk alone and every time I will fall I will stand up on my own. i will never break down. i will stay strong & sharp because I know the white energy is with me. its guiding me. all the time. protecting me. surrounding me. showing me the way always. i was so blind nt to feel it for that now my soul has awaken and there is no one who can stop me. i fear no one. not even god. because I m the god of my own destiny and there is no one who is gonna take that from destiny is purpose is right. i will serve it and make my path through them to reach to my destiny. lets see what future holds for me.