Psycho-Analysis of a Rapist, The Root of This Tyrannical Mentality and The Possible Causes Behind Severe Increment of Gang Rapes in India and The Role of Tele-Media in it.
4:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »The roots of rape goes very deep into the history of mankind. Even in our holy books and several holy puranas numerous rapes are described. Even rapes by gods are described by across civilizations. Greek, Roman, Hindu mythology is filled with it. Rapes have been glorified in there. Giving them the name of blessings. Even forced sex is also described there to get children, these were called “Khetraja Santan” in Hindu mythology. From that ancient time of gods to kings and then now the modern civilization, girls are tortured as because they are weak gender. Men are always dominating the gender war and the only point where he gets soften when he needs something, be it a flesh for lust or a person for love & care.
First of all the current scenario about India is that we treat femininity as a commodity of pleasure. We have to admit this that in India, the orthodox religious community here regardless of their believes, stands to a common point that Girls should be controlled, dominated and tortured in all other way anyone can. Girls are often associated with products which is sexually exciting, even the media world is associating girls with products which doesn’t even need such kind of showcase. Tell me how does a wooden floor making company needs a girl for its advertisements, where girl is saying how SEXY that wooden floor is. This is mindless. Every products out there is associated with girl's body. Cars bikes even petrol diesel everything. It’s like they are selling the girl’s body as well. It should be the matter of thinking that where we are standing now. We are literally selling girl's body and their so called sexiness and associating it with everything saleable.
THIS, is influencing the generations of youth, they start to think that every girl is their property. Psychologically denial is which is intolerable more or less in every human being. Now denial for what? Well denial for the POWER, power to control and dominate a girl's flesh at will. Denial for SEX. Denial for will to get under the shoe. Now for what, the MEN are so aggressive about the control? Well biologically the men are very worried about their off springs, because a women can guarantee that it’s her child but a men always stays in doubt that whether it is his son or not. For that men always want to control the birth of women by restricting them from outside. Because men simply can’t believe anything which they don’t see. But why is that? Because biologically we humans are polygamous, and a person who is thief will always consider other as thief. Mentality reflects.
NOW, the question may arise if they are restricting women to go outside then why does the same people are showing off their so called PRECIOUS property? YES, property. Because according to many religions WOMEN are actually treated as PROPERTY, “Zan Zar Zameen” as they say.. Means Land Gold and Women are property of a MAN and he should go to any extent to protect it. Even brother have their SHARE of right on their sisters, even elder ones. The Hindu’s bhaidooj is a festival where brother vows to protect their sisters, the belief if that it’s a brother’s duty of protect sisters. It’s good. But the same festival tells women that for a protection they are still dependent on their brothers or fathers or any MALE. Why is that? Why this should be? Isn’t it the women who are the first protector of a MALE child? Why should they live in fear? And if a MALE is the creature from whom she have to protect herself, how can she depends on another male for protection? Isn’t that a paradox created for women?
So far we can see that men wants to dominate and control and they don’t accept denial very easily and the role of tele-media in it. But The Rome is not created in a day like the mentality is not corrupted in a day. It takes time and the root of this EVIL lies in very deep.
The mentality is the main culprit but now in the modern age the catalysts of exciting this to further extent is not rare. In 2013 men are raping women in rampart mode and their average age is within 20 years, not to mention some even non-adults. This is an alarming situation, seriously. So to find the root we have to go to in past.
In the year of 2006 – 2007 China Mobiles hit The Indian market with a bang. Every possible feature was in a phone, they were selling like hot cakes and for real CHEAP. MP4 players inbuilt became an awesome storage for PORN. YES, the porn is the main culprit behind many rapes. Many rapists get frustrated and they exhaust it by torturing girls. Many sex offenders worldwide accepted it that in some point of their lives they get denied by a girl (often in relationships.), so here comes the porn and so comes the solo sex enjoyment. The thing is psychologically we human don’t get satisfied with what we have, we always want the MORE and when demanding and getting MORE is so easy then why stop demanding? The same case happens here also and the next step comes sex with girl. Well no problem in that but again comes psychology which says that human, typically MEN are not satisfied with the things they get very easily. They want challenge, they want adventure and that’s why many men get indulge in extra marital affairs. Anyways, marriage maybe a solution for the hunger of flesh but it comes easy and the thing is you can’t marry anytime and also the responsibilities. So there comes the EXCUSES of fuck-buddies, live-in relationships and all such “no strings attached” kind of relationships which only based on SEX. But here also the money is a factor and the society. Not every Indian society will accept such kind of relations so there comes a way to exhaust lust by raping. Raping is a one-time enjoyment, no lingering problems. Just like the disposable syringe or use & throw pens. But aren’t we forgetting prostitutes? But it needs money. And India is a poor country. The average rapists here are all lower calibre people. But what is the role of mobile phones here? The role is that they are making PORN very easy to the school boys and these budding minds are getting impression that girls are pleasure PRODUCTS. Their body is MEN’s property. Getting into relationships for just FUN often turn out as heart breaking event from there the grudge for the girls stays in the heart. The lack of proper sex education in India is another major cause of sexual instability.
Another reason is gender biasness. Let’s accept the fact that people still prefers male child than female. So the number is lessening up. This is also a cycle, keeping female child becomes liability because you have to provide everything for her and also have to give huge dowry for marriage and in return you are getting practically nothing. The extra added danger of losing the family reputation (by other caste love-marriages and rapes), people are preferring male child over female, and for that the number of female is getting decreased per male ratio and again to exhaust the fleshly desires men are raping more and more women, because in raping you don’t have to see for anything, just rape and enjoy. The common believe amongst rapists. So in a nutshell girl is less, men is more, girls have more choice, they are choosing and in the process many men gets denied or refused and thus the DENIED men’s number is increasing. Drops makes a sea, and denied men gets united and do gang rapes. It is as simple as that. But why is this RAGE?
The RAGE is a viral factor in any case, as previously stated, denial by any girl for any cause leaves a mark on the mind, and if the mind is of a minor it leaves a scar. Wound heals but scars don’t, which is getting amped up by porn movies, sex chats, the media, films, advertisements where girls are being shown off as any other commodity, the increment of vulgar advertisements are some of the cause which is increasing the libido level of a common person. Men are getting hit mainly because they are targeted audiences of the advertisements which includes femininity. Because the common believes among ad-gurus is that 3 things sells, scandals, stardom and sex. While the 1st one is considered rare to find, second one needs huge money the last one is relatively cheaper and readily available, I mean an almost half nude any girl is less exciting than fully covered Bipasha Basu.
The Reality shows are pushing vulgarity to the next level when kids are dancing in a seductive way. The flash of glamour often becomes the curse of others. If the spice of child porn is added to it, then the mind says every girl is MINE and every child is AVAILABLE. Children are vulnerable because they don’t know what is happening. They only feel pain physically. Because their mind was not so much matured to understand what happened to them.
Social media is playing a very twisted game here. If we leave all dating sites aside, the major social networking sites such as Orkut, the grand fatherof social networking in india & the Facebook, which came in almost the same timeframe as Chinese mobiles in india, is filled up by all FAKE is being said that 73% of FB profiles are FAKE. Those fake profiles includes many pornstars, so called HOT persons and fake girls profile who does sex chat. Almost all the profiles are created by some angry ex-boyfriends in the name of their girlfriends and the pictures added from their private collections makes that profile more legit. More and more men fell in the trap they do sex chat in there with those fake people. Now there are two major points of doing so and getting pleasure from here. The first one of that the feeling your gf (well ex-gf in this case) getting raped by several male every day gives a pleasure of revenge because rape is the ULTIMATE humiliation which can be done to a girl. The second one is obviously personal fulfilment of lust. Two way sex chat is always exciting no matter of your choice of gender. The imagination plays a vital role. This role play act is also similar to the MMORPG. Maximum of boys takes female character there. Its simple psychology that controlling a girl is more pleasurable no matter it is in real world or virtual. The satisfaction of fooling other people also plays a small role in it. NOW, what the impact of this? The impact of this is breaking of trust and again DENIAL. This DENIAL is the thing which I am telling from the beginning as it plays the very vital role in human nature, we are driven by it explicitly or implicitly. There is also a cycle of events where a boy is cheating another boy in disguise of a girl and the second boy is again doing the same and thus the cycle continues.
So, till here we got some point for the RAPE. But what about the increment of gang rapes in India? Why the group of 13 15 men are doing it? The answer lies in a very root of human nature and it’s DNA, inherited from its ancestors. See rape as an incident of haunting. We human used to haunt in groups. Aren’t we? At the first that was necessity for food and warmth. Later it became enjoyment in the time of monarchy. Rape is enjoyment now. I guess many of you have encountered ragging in your college times more or less. There often comes an event when seniors tells you to smoke with them. The main logic behind this is to increase the gang strength so that there will always be another person to blame. Another this is that involving a large number also ensures that no one will do whistleblowing, as they are also involved in the crime. Also not to forget the assistance for the work. Many under aged people are getting involved in. All those above points are same for gang rape. Also this is very psychologically correct that every man wants to rape, but couldn’t always because of fear of many things but when other people influences them and plays a role as catalyst, they can gather and do that bloody thing. Team work is associated here. Bullying and giving other pain and getting enjoyment from there is a part of human nature. It’s also an outcome of human evolution. It can’t be changed but controlled with right education and consciousness.
People who says the dress of a girl invites male to rape them or the religious following (diksha) can save girls from getting raped, late night travelling, working outside, wearing skirts in school, having bf / lover etc etc meaningless causes invites people to rape them is just nothing but BULLSHIT and just a vague attempt to justify RAPES. It’s really a shame that even in 2013 we MEN are justifying rapes. As a human being it’s everyone’s choice what to wear and where to. Ya sure people should maintain their character and should wear according to the venue and cause but that simply don’t give anyone right to define any other’s dress code. Again men are just pushing women to follow their code of rules. Why for? Just the insecurity of losing the control over women.. It’s like losing the manhood. Because manhood is often associated with the control over femininity.
So as of now we got many points about the cause & spread of rape and gang rape. But why it is getting incremented day by day? And why it is becoming so prominent now? The reason is media exposure and the hunger of excessive TRP boost. Every rape incident and the LIVE DETAILS about it attracts more and more viewers and means more advertisement and it end up having more revenue. That’s why press stays always in the search of rapes. Again it’s a very good cause because for this the government is getting alarmed, people are getting aware of their situations. But sometimes the press just crosses the line. Sometimes the rapists get more highlight than they deserve. The naked details about the rape is getting fed into young minds and they think that it’s a glorious thing to do and also when the accused are not getting caught, the people think that it’s easy to get away doing rape. Especially the young minds don’t realize anything or analyse the matter. They simply go on the path to exhaust their lust.
Another reason is the government, the supreme authority is silent, police, and the law bringer stays silent and often works in favour of rape and rapists. Why? Because some of the rapists are either relatives of powerful people or the rapists who are member of any political party. The muscle power saves people and restricts law to do work. Another thing is the decrement of morale value, even police are also men, and as we can see that the whole process is time consuming and slow but continuous process and we are now getting the outcome of this process. The foundation of all these rapists have been laid many a years ago when their minds are budding. If the fear of punishment and government stays in anyone’s mind then they wouldn’t dare to do such heinous crimes.
The average 25 year person today, who is raping, was affected with the virus of this uncontrollable rage driven lust, when he was at his teenage. And there were many influences, some of them are analysed above. It has to be keep in mind in films and television the rapists and bullies are often shown as glamorous and powerful people. So if a = b then the reverse also becomes true which is b = a, if rapists are glamorous then glamor can be gained through torturing other. It reflects power. If a man desires any women and if he gets it then it shown his influence and power. No matter by what mean he gets it.
The solution? At this critical stage there is NO immediate solution for this UNLESS government hardens its laws. The problem today we are facing is not a current problem, it took time to grow and so will take its solution. We better act NOW or else we would face extinction by our own hand.
Just think about it… We are in GRAVE DANGER..
© Ramen Mukherjee, 2012
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