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Hii guys,

Its winter. The season of all joy vegetables and of-course picnics and to do romance in the park. Go out shopping and buy more than you need. However, actually we Indians are going through a very bad time. ya it’s not so much clear. However, in a broader aspect we are in indeed danger. Right now as I am writing this article China , America and obviously their blue-eyed partner and archenemy of India Pakistan is also preparing their arsenal for the big battle. It’s not just a battle which can be fought by guns & blood. It is an all type attack from battlefield to the cyber field. Moreover, the best thing is that we Indians are so cattle like those that we do not even bother about the news we hear regular about all these. Pakistanis are attacking every now and then Indian websites. America is supporting all enemies of India and is preparing them to capture the Indian market ofcource by getting a big share of both industrial property and control the intellectual property of India. We Indians already proved what we are capable of and the truth is that world fears us, America fears us. Because they have a very pathetic system for that, their children are no longer stay as scholar in school or college they become rapist, sadist and criminals just staying within the boundaries of the school. There are two countries in the world who has no culture one is America other is Australia. Why? Because all bad things are present now which decaying other countries including ours, are INVENTED by them. you name anything good comes from them? The answer is the other hand China already captured Indian markets. Now what?

Should we wait until our nation was sold out to others and they will dance in the party of dividing and conquering our land of ancestors or should we act NOW? It is very clear that there is no more democracy in our country. We need a dictator. Yes, I know the consequences to bring a dictator but right now, it is what we my knowledge East-India company ruled the India like no has ever done. In their times India was not been in such misery. Yes we were not independent but our THIS independence is suffocating due to all internal and external pressures. Our own Indians are now torturing us? That’s bullshit man. I mean c’mon, how long we will just pretend to NOT see all of this. This is happening; right here right now on this very second justice is long gone. our system is a failure due to its corruption. Why is corruption because we are not united. We cannot resist our greed. Greed comes for bigger dream. And dreams are imported from the bigger and richer nations like America. I mean any police officer can turned into an evil for a Rolex watch. Our country has out of control terrorism, both from inside out. Pakistan just have to send guns to do terrorism in India because in India there are many people readily available in the name of money or religion.

No matter how much we shout about our unitedness, democracy, socialism. The fact is we are NOT UNITED. Not in the name of money, not in the name of religion, not in the name of anything. What we are fighting for? It is already lost. We are no longer independent. Independence according to dictionary is achieved but according to true sense is not. Our political parties are quarrelling among themselves just to prove theirselves right.

Have anyone ever seen any political party of India is actually doing anything TRULY for India or its democracy or just about anything which is for India ? there is no party which hoists Indian flag. Which party does things in the name of India. Which glorifies India. they are all concerned about their possessions, power, votes and they are more concerned about demolishing their against party. That’s why they are putting innocent college students in their political battle as they are considered just only drones, which proves their power. But I am sure that this is not the upper limit of their brutality. After killing each other and after killing a friend by the hands of another friend just in the name of party support what the political leaders are proving besides their immense lust for power? Tell me one thing what's the use of power which cant resist anything? Which cant empower the powerless? WHEN WILL ALL OF THESE MADNESS WILL END?

Friends, we have no government. We never had any because from the beginning out very own government is licking the feet of others like a faithful dog. Russia China America.. all the world biggies. We have no god. Our people are corrupted. Our system has been damaged. Our security is questionable. Our nation is affected with poverty hunger and one in our country seems to go for anything straight. Everyone is finding his or her own profit. FRIENDS WE ARE NOW IN THE ERA OF COLD PRE-CIVIL WAR IN INDIA. This is not it. Many things are yet to be seen. In addition, India is alone in the world there is no help for India. That is already proved by wikileak’s flash.

I m in much pain for the death of those college students. they are not martyrs. They are symbol of brutality and the end of humanism from the face of India, For this under compulsion and a Brocken heart I have to say that “I AM ASHAMED OF BEING AN INDIAN ..”