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Coliseum of Catastrophe ...

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Human mind is an amazing thing. there is practically nothing it can't do. you main power lies in yourself, in your mind. it is the harness of all energy. both positive and negative. it can love and it can hate. god gifted us with all the powers, maybe powers greater than himself. we can take revenge or we can forgive. the choice, it lies always in our hand. our biggest failure is to think anything impossible instantaneously when we can not comprehend it using our own logics and philosophies. we take it as alien and we reject it from heart and thus we lose opportunity.

opportunity always knock once. people often lose it in search of the better one, but opportunity be it coming or going never stays as same. the next opportunity may be good or bad, may bring luck or bad luck but it would never be the same again. people misses it for their extreme wants. needs are good and limited but human wants cannot be fulfilled  no one can fulfil it unless you have your inner peace which comes from satisfaction.

As humans it is our birthright to err. We do errors, we must rectify it now and here, once em for all. there is no chance of waiting. sometimes some people's ego come between and their vision gets shaded. they forget about their aims and spend their times in doing worthless thing which seems so valuable at that momentum. some calls it MAYA.. the deepest urge to fulfil your dream is also maya. it is divine. they say Indra is the ruler of maya. but it is also fact that maya falls in none's control.

it is uncontrollable and it is justified. a beast, say a bison, hits a wall with all his strength without thinking about that it may get hurt, it may cost its life, it may have injuries and maybe its family gets lost from him forever. NO, it doesn't thinks about it. it just hits because it is not controlled by maya. we are controlled with maya. maya binds us all in a string and thats why we are all connected through maya. thats why humankind should take care of itself and everyone because we are all connected. its a global village.

Every people in this earth borns with some amount of Ego built in. some have less some have more and some people's ego decreases or increases by time. world is a dynamic place indeed thats why nothing is fixed here. today what is your's tomorrow it will be mine. and the story goes on of uncertainty. Ego is a fire which ruins everything, especially your relations.

In relationship the two people involve in this are like the wheels of a bicycle and each of them should also push and pull the paddle to give speed in the relation. too fast the speed, too tired the tires will become. too slow and they will lose their urge to work. it should be balanced. balance comes from inner peace and sacrifice compassion compromise and most of all trust.

Trust, the most valuable ingredient of any relationship. people lose trust because of their high self esteem, doubtful nature, Ego, misunderstandings, urge to fight more even beyond the scope of the problem. Doubtfulness brings insecurity which in turn brings unsatisfaction which brings disappointment and it brings sadness. now a sad person always radiates sadness. it is in human nature to radiate feeling. when you are happy everyone knows, some say it body language, some say its Aura. whatever it is, it shows.

My life is filled with errors. not the errors we programmers face everyday in our work or study. this errors are some done by us and some by situations. the act of god you might say but then again the debate of god being acting as evil may invoke. i am not going into that way right now. my point is that maybe i have done some errors but i am always prepared to rectify it, perhaps my software engineer background is more liable for it or maybe just because of my nature i am good in my field. nevertheless the point remains the same. i am what i am. and i should change according to the time WITHOUT changing my core values because this is my spine and this is what i am born with...

isnt it?