God, India, Alien and the Cycle of Cultural Destruction....
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So, this is the end day of the
colour festival of India called Holi. Even some days ago people were spending
countless times with each other player holi, moving from one block to another of
their city and colouring people. Well I am not talking about the holi of illiterate
peoples of UP or BIHAR. They were just animals. Without raping several girls
while drinking BHANG they don’t count that holi has any mean for them. In this
point I think that Shivasena of Maharashtra is totally correct about these Biharis
and Muslims, they are actually the cause of every mental degradation of the
civic society. First they corrupted their own state, then they spread to other
states like cancer cells. Just peek into any engineering college and you will
find the amount of pollution they spread both physically and mentally. And the
most dangerous are the half breeds, I am talking about people of other origin
living in these poisonous colours. They take this poisons in their mind from
childhood and then they start to think, thanks to their narrow mind, that this
is the way of living. Yes, many people would argue that I am just being racist.
No dear, I have been to BIHAR, living there, in my childhood, I saw that the
originals, they are not savages. They are good. But people living at the
endpoints are not. They didn’t take education to widen their minds and they didn’t
let anyone also. The illiteracy rate is all time high there. Well at least they
are proud of this even.
The so called backward casts are
begging (demanding) for reservations because they don’t have any qualities in
themselves to get job. Yes the ultimate thing they understand is amount of
salary, above & under, the table so that they can get more dowry from girl’s
father. Isn’t this look like the reverse of evolution? These people maybe have
the same blood like the rest, they may look like homo sapience, but the
mentality of them is so poor. And this is a genetic trait. It ant be changed
suddenly. That’s why I think myself that the VARNASHRAMA created in Ancient
India was justified. Suitable people at suitable jobs. Savages belong to their
own works. Warrior belongs to battlefield. I respect Punjabis, they are clan of
warriors and they fill up the most of the Army. But put any UP BIHARI in any
place and you will suddenly see the declining growth of productivity. Bengalis
are not so good warriors but they are good thinkers if they are permitted with
mental freedom which is now a days very rare especially in Bengal. You do something
here and you will be labelled with green or red banner. Genetic traits and
qualities are very truth that even science is agreed on. Purity of blood as
Hitler said was not fully myth. The countries who tried to divide this genetic
barrier got ruined. Look at America, African-Americans are degrading the
civilizations there. Different people from different mind-sets can’t live
together in peace and harmony. It’s like mixing of oil and water which can’t
take place in earth.
The backward class, no matter how
much money they will earn, always remains to be backward class because it gives
them numerous helps from government sides. Because they are the part of the
ever growing vote banks of India where every political party has their eyes. A general
cast family struggles to raise their only child just because of money problem,
no matter how middle class they are and at the opposite point of spectrum, a Dalit
is raising more than 5 kids just because government pays subsidy for their
birth to death. If government paid them with its own money I wouldn’t be
shouting that much but those are our money, our taxes. Government is taking our
money and giving it to them just to make sure that they rule us quietly and not
mention raping our society with their cancerous attitude.
Our ancient forefathers were no
fools, they observed that if the work of a particular class is taken over by another
class then it ruins the whole system as they don’t have the inherent knowledge
of maintaining things. A Brahmin should not become Kshatriya just because he
can. Only a Kshatriya knows how to fight and protect. A Brahmin’s work is to deliver
the knowledge. For what he is meant by brahma, the creator. A shudra remains
shudra all the time. No matter is he is given a kingdom to rule. He simply
lacks the knowledge to maintain the order. And that is happening in India. We shout
about being secular, actually India killed itself long ago. That’s why our
forefathers built the VARNASHRAMA but being an Indian, we started to abuse this
system and we started to hate each other because of the jobs we do and we
started to kill and thus we made our system cripple and worthless and there
left no choice but to abolish the main system but as there can’t be any vacuum
in the systems so we made a secular version of it and we mixed, rather we
should say, messed everything. And thus the current system came to existence. And
the main credit goes to British, who ruled us and for establishing their own
system, broke ours and to Indians who abused their system so much that there
left no option but to change it.
Just because onions, garlic and
spices increases libido, that’s why they were banned to the widows and we
started to abuse our widow by it. Just because a widow is a liability to the
family, we started to burn them. Just because you can’t marry another caste
girl whom you liked, we started to enjoy them, rape them and dump them in
places thus creating red light places. And thus all those things written in the
religious books, we started to misinterpret them and using them in a way to
cause pain to other and as we love to give pain to each other we did it
awesomely. And thus we ourselves crippled our Hindu code of system from inside like
termites. And yes I have no shame to say that Brahmins become the cruellest of
all these classes of BARNA. They seemed to enjoy this. But then again it has no
connection of with after death rituals like cremation ceremony. It’s a ceremony
where people eat together upon the death of someone. Well this might seems
cruel but it is to bring the positivity in the negative environment and Brahmins
started torturing people with their never ending demands in the name of
rituals. But the qualities which makes anyone a Brahmin clearly states that he
should be pleased in little. It is one of the sacred vows he takes during his
threading ceremony. But clearly they started to forget that and with the many divine
curses in their arsenal they started to do the business of fear.
Yes, just because they had the
knowledge to connect with the sacred books they started to misinterpret by
twisting those verses into their own profit and thus they are solely
responsible for the destruction of the system. I have no shame in admitting
this though I belong to the oldest and sacred of Brahmin origin. Yes, I count
my forefathers as criminals. And I am paying the price right now. Thus a cycle
gets completed. Another cycle started and it is the second level of destruction
which brought other religions in our country. Fair enough, I respect every
religion but they took the chance of this religious void of Hinduism and
converted many people to their own. This cycle increased in the time of British.
Who were giving funding to spread Christianity by providing helps in the form
of job, education and food to poor and so called religion less or religiously
disgusted Indians. And by the increment of the business Islamic activity
prospered too. Fair enough again. People start to trade their religions in the
favour of personal gain. This cycle ended when British left the India
demolishing its every part. Another cycle started when India was divided into
nations and we started to rebuild our system again just simply by copying the British’s
system and looking upon the vote banks newly created. British never cared for vote
banks, they never needed it so they never needed to maintain it. But the newly
created India needed it because there were several political parties that time.
And thus this new cycle of system begun where we are currently living in. now
the wave is reversed. The lower casts are ruling the upper class just because
now they can. Ok fair enough. But do they have the power to rule? Most importantly,
do they have the power to handle? No, and time is proving again and again.
And this concludes the excessive
activity of lower casts now a days. It is all just because Brahmin’s destroyed
the system for their greed, British established their system upon the grave of ours
for their greed, and Politicians encouraging this bad system and using it for
their greed. The world is running by greed and thus again the American
philosophy of life is true. So the ultimate human destruction is because of
their immense greed. This is the cancerous part of human nature which has no
limit of growth. Greed at first may shows as growth, regardless of the form, we
think its progress but like cancer cells they start to show malignant symptoms
soon. And thus civilizations collapses. Greed creates consumers and created
dependencies and in this global village just for the never ending want, when an
average American spends dollars to eat a huge burger and wastes the most of it,
an African is dying of hunger. Some people are consuming the all of the wealth
which in otherwise could save millions. As a human we knew only to take from
surroundings and never to give back. Nature is too much kind but not the humans
so they go to war with each other.
A man’s warrior is another man’s
terrorist. And by this formula, in the name of global peace, which is pretty
amusing by the way, we do war and now the nukes at our disposal the god is
watching with popcorn in his hands for the time we will wipe us out from this
small island which we call home, the earth and over our dead bodies the god
will start something new. He has done it for several times and he will do this
again. There were time when god came to earth to save us. Then he saw that the
time passes we have gone beyond repair. It is justifiable that why would he be
wasting time of us. It will be better to create something fresh. Like an
engineer gets bored out of a failed project and he starts over. God is doing similar
than us because he is like us. Well if we have been made in the image of him
then it is also true in other way. That’s why I find similarity between me and
god. And that’s why I find it so relevant the words of Swamiji that we are not
only part of the god, we are the living god. There is god in every one of us, it’s
just sleeping. We need to wake him up. But who’s care? Today’s generation knows
Sunny Leone more than Swamiji.
The god smiles at us looking at
our destruction as we build and destroy and then again build and curse him. We human
are our own enemies. God has nothing to do with us. We may have been made in
his image but he is just too bored of us because we are doing the same things
again and again in global scale. Maybe he is busy in making something better
than us, perhaps it’s more like updated and upgraded version of Life somewhere
else, and we may call it Life v2.0. This justifies alien abductions. Isn’t it? God
is taking the good of us, making it, enhancing it other good he has found in
the universe and creating something better than us. So the cycle of life
continues even after we humans consume this whole earth to a black hole and
still demand for more.
What we do with robots we build when
it goes haywire? We try to repair them, then we forget them and start to build
something better. Isn’t god is doing the same? What are we except some fleshly
hardware, synaptic neural system of CPU and a software called sense? Yes we
were the god’s greatest creation gone haywire. There is a hard coded bug in us
which is beyond the reparability of god himself thus he has left us, given on
us. The name of this hardcoded bug is the greed. So here we are connecting the
dots of human’s revolution, evolution and destructions from the aspect of
Indian point of view and history. I don’t hope that most of my readers will
find palatable. People might think at first that I am politically biased, then
they might think I am a racist, then they will think that I am just an over
frustrated general caste and in the end they will find no sense at all. They will
take it as a bullshit where ancient world, India, modern civilization, war,
burger, racism, genetic purity, god, alien, computer language is mixed with another
healthy amount of bullshit and some nonsense sprinkled served with rubbish English
language. I am not a linguist by the way, I am just an average Joe who knows a
little bit of everything and thus be able to connect the dots of this huge
chaos theory. BUT I am very much sure that if this was shown in History Channel
or Discovery or even in Local Channel by some white haired person speaking English
with a Russian name, then it will start to sound sense miraculously.
Isn’t my today’s presentation is
something different than my regular, in-life sadistic verses? Come on I know it
is and I will wait for you guys in my Inbox. Bye for now. Hope to see you all
in the other side someday sooner. Till then,
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