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Our Individuality is killing us Individually...

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Now a days what I observe is that the holi, like any other occasion, only means taking three different colours in three fingers and colouring own face and giving a selfie in the Facebook is all that is left of holi in the current generation. Not only girls are indulged in this show off games but shamefully men are also in it. Which also reminds that gender barrier is nothing but a mental divide we have created to satisfy our own ego. We are all humans in the end.

Everything now a days is about the show off. People just love to show off everything they got. And thanks to the Facebook they get every tool they needed to do so. It now also gives the option to show off moods and what any people is doing having drinking eating visiting and all those mindless stuffs that a person can fill up the internet with their utter rubbishes. Yes I am too one of them. People at Wikipedia and Khan Academy are the people who are filling the cyber space with productive informations. These are too crowd driven. Ok, khan academy is not that crowd driven like Wikipedia but they are surely miles ahead than Facebook. Even twitter limits the shits in it but limiting to 140 characters and several API call restrictions. But Facebook seems to encourage this just to generate random keywords to feed its algorithm of advertisement to generate pure revenue out of it and thus this whole system is crowd driven cash.

Now, there is another aspect of this show off. Not everyone show offs just for the sake of show off. Today’s generation is very much busy and they are separated with each other in terms of mental space. Youngsters are texting each other sitting in different room of the same home. Technology has taken us apart from each other. In earlier times we had someone besides us to express our feeling. Expressing feeling is a very essential part of human civilization, it’s the driving force behind the invention of languages, from hieroglyphs to modern 3L173 languages and those pesky sms codes which we also use in twitter also. Why? Just to express ourselves and this gets worsen when we find no physical person in our reach to express ourselves then we turn rough and we attack everyone with our expression bombs.

Humans are meant to be a social animal. They are polygamous. They hate commitments but they also need each other. Expressing themselves is the basic needs of human. So does takes place the digital avatar of communal discussions. The advent of social network sites are very old. At that time they were not be touted as the place to talk shits. Rather it was the place to share valuable informations. Government has this ability and power to do that. Then there came a revolution and some resourceful people started to talk over the net. Use groups formed.  Then as the number of privileged persons grew, knowledge level declined in these online talk and now they are turned into utter shits. Well again this is the cycle of human evolution and we are now in the part of destruction of it. Once we didn’t had the knowledge to speak, now we speak more than we can think of in our mind and thus we are losing grip in the language. The cycle completes in this way and this way only. Today we use sarcastic pictures and photo comments to exhaust out inner self. Don’t these reminds of you about the hieroglyphs? It was from the time when we didn’t have the power of language to express ourselves. We used pictures and now I am in fear that we are slowly going toward the silent language era when we used the signs. It will not be because of that we will lose the power to communicate but it will be because we will not find anyone qualified enough of understand us. Then it will be pointless of expressing and talking to each other because we will not understand each other.

Too much of uniqueness and individuality will bring the chaos to the natural order of communication because our tolerance power is declining and most of us also lack the courage and peripheral to draw and end line to define the inner supremacy of ours, we will start to ignore each other. Like now a days we slowly start to do in SNS. People fills it with so much bullshit now a days that people are using their biological  power of selective learning and starting to ignore the rest of the world and the radius is shrinking day by day, believe me. After some day most of the people will have 4999 friends in their friend list and still they will be seeking friend for them because no one will be very suitable for them.

Which brings me to the conclusion that we should start sound sense otherwise it would be too late for us to survive on our own. Our individual ego should not surpass our consciousness. We should not forget who we are and start to behave like more humanly. The Facebook is already over saturated with prince princess kings and queens with to no kingdom of their own. The virtual world is beginning to become our new reality. Some people are cashing out while others are just running blindfoldedly with scissors in their hands.

Are you one of them? Think again...