Happy Poush Sankranti to u all ... Have u Wishes anyone in person today?
10:42 PM Posted In Sankranti Diary Edit This 0 Comments »hii guys,
hw r u all?i wonder what r u all doing these days.dnt get too many comments from u guys.neither in my blog or twitter nor in any of my social network.anyways in these days i hav been busy like anything.tutions tutions and tutions and more tutions to make my week hell.collg will get start from god know when bt it is maitaing a fear like things amongs us.its funny.searching for tutions getting refusal again searching and getting a sir so much confused about his furthur steps that he cudnt even tell taht he will gonna teach us or not.and in the end after eating 24.4 rupees total [18.4 from me and rest of the money from my fnrds] he declared that he will not teach us.what a lame fellow he is.and if we get some teachers he wants more students that we can arrange or else he will not teach us.and there is also timings issues.and also an irritating is their nature and behaviour for asking money in advance and teaching us in so called PACKAGES by taking the whole money for the 6 months at one time from us.we are all middle class or as myself belongs to a poor family how can we arrange so much money?they wont think for it.in india and particularly in jharkhand and westbengal teaching is a business.a hard business.its a real pain by seeing our teachers loosing their values......
i sometimes think that hw much money we waste sometimes bt simply giving misscalls and getting caught.i mean the opposit person accept the call without knowing that i m giving miscalls.i hav lost more than 20 rupees by this from my mobile balance.and also sometimes we forget to lock the keypad for that we loose some money and also sometimes we accepts aoofers and do lots of gprs downloading or just to do orkutting like myself from mobile specially in this hard winter season under a warm blanket.and of course smsing,chatting takes our hard earned money away.well many people says that people should meet in persons to chat bt i say in this busy time who has the time to do so?and he who does dnt have much friends to chat and so he moves to the social networks and thats why more and more people r joining social networks because we r lonely,we dnt have good friends to chat,we live in a flat culture and in small homes where all time frnds r not welcome,we dnt hav much clubs/fields/parks/lakes left where we can chat or romance,we have short times,our time is valueable,we do lots of task in one time and most important following those cycles the social networks is continue to having more and more peoples day to day compared to other places like mall or park...
i guess i m a all time trend setter.because i think i hav started blog culture in my collg if that nt atleast among my batchmets.evry time i do something new people do that in same way and i never stopped doing anything new.my mind is like a horse just running to seek the unknown.i do reserch on many things.anyways
my frndship with ratri is growing slowly she is an angel.veru nice and cute girl.all time worried for me.quering abt me.giving me sms /miscalls and replies.such a little young girl bt i always feel that i m talking to a mature & strong girl.my frndship with Riya is also geting better.she is also a very nice girl bt shy and always stays reserved.even from me.bt she is very witty.she is currently one of the famous girls of orkut.everyday getting new orkut friedns who eventually turned to her lover in few days.such a magnificent & charming character she is.and we r studying same subject bt never got any change to do a group discussion.anyway hope i will get any.
my friend Shakya is very upset as the girl he loves so much is commited to someone else.and my friend sees then together is bazar.well i told him nt to be sorry bt i know hows it feel to lost someone whom u always dreamt of getting.i know my words will not sooth him nor any of my actions he is the master of himself and he have to controll his emotions or else his emotions will wash away him.he become silent.and thats killing me.i love my friends.i care for my friends.
today moumita called i chatted with her for sometimes.our collg may start from 1st feb.bt i have to get books from library before all the books gets booked.the latest news is that DoCoMo is finnaly launching in my city and i m very excited abt it i may get a sim along with a new samsung slider mobile which i m dreaming to buy.i should get a IMEI number in my Chinese mobile to make its SIM2 working bt that will cost me 200 bucks.my cource at brainware is nt getting end and today Kousik sir gives us a small hints about his changing job or transferring to another location.and as brainware lacks good faculty member i may nt continue my furthur .NET studies at brainware.Subrata Da says today that brainware head center saltlake sector V in Kolkata is the best building he has ever seen.i guess i can see it too.A guy is threatning me in orkut maybe he is a senior of collg,who is just showing his attitude to me dnt know why bt i m sure i will nt have any trouble to crush him down.anyways just keping an entry in my blog about him.if something happens to me then u guys know whom to blame for....
anyways i guess todays posting is the longest posting i hav ever posted bt i m sure certainly its nt a boaring one.
good night to u all.
shabba khair
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