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OH GOD GIRLSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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1. Is a girl says she freezing it means she wants to be cuddle with.

2. Girls loves having gifts for no occasion.

3. If a girl likes or love you, never say you like her has a friend. She will be upset alot.

4. If a girl says she isn't upset or mad at you [after you did something] most of the time she is.

5. Always leave second chances, it might be worth it!

6. Do not rush a girl if she doesn't want to do something.

7. If your friends think you sing horribly, your gf/crush/lover might think you sing really well.

8. Never ever play with a girl feelings.Is not funny and is really upseting.Is not worth it at all.

9. Never say "I love you" and you don't mean it at all.

10. When a girl is crying she want's you to hold her and tell her everythin is ok.

11. When a girl says she loves u don't question it cause it's always the truth.

12. When you ask her why she's wit you and she say's cause your special don't argue.

13. When a girl say's she's fine must of that time it means she's not.

14. When a girl say's don't call me idc it means she really wants u to call.

15. When a girl says "leave me alone" she wants you to be there for her and listen to her.

16. Do never talk about your ex. Like comparing about them.. she does this, and you do that..all that. Is just annoying and it make us fell unspecial.

17. If a girl loves you she will never do anything to hurt you.

18. If we ask you how we look we want the truth.

19. Even when were on our worse and look bad we want you to tell us were beautiful.

20. When a girl says i hate u dont ever come around here again she just wants u to hold her and tell her you love her.

21. Sometimes let your girl win a game. She will be happy and proud. [Unless, if she always win :P]

22. [If girls are into video games]They might be slithy better in video games then you are. But she might let you win sometimes, just to let you feel happy.

23. When is over, it means you did something wrong.

24. If she crys over the phone, go over and comfort her.

25. When a girl want's to spend that day with you don't blow it off.

26. Hold her hand while she with her friends or your friends. it make us happy.

27. Never make her feel like shit when your wit your boys.

28. Never tell a girl to change just cause you want her too.

29. Don't flirt with the girls while your with her or if she nearby. That isn't very fun for your girl.

30. Always tell her you love her, cause you never know what might happen.

31. Make her laugh when she is down and upset.

32. Always be there for her no matter what happens.

33. Don't tell her a lie cause she will alwayz find out the truth sooner or later.

34. Never hit on us!!It's not that funny.

35. If we are cold walking down the street. Pass us your jacket. or [if we are cold, give us your shirt:P]

36. If she falls asleep on your lap leave her there[don't wake her up].

37. Don't just date cause you think you will get to have sex cause it won't happen like that. [We aren't stupid].

38. Alwayz use her before you use one of ur friends.

39. We will wear what we want when we want to.

40. Yes we do have millons of shoes but that is only cause we need a pair of shoes fo each outfit we wear.

41. Never take us out to eat and make us pay..that is just wrong.

42. Don't hate on us cause we ain't like other girls. [We might be better then them]

43. If we tell you don't want to do sumthing we mean WE DONT WANT TO DO IT!!

44. Don't compare us to anyone. And we mean NO ONE!

45. We sit when we pee and were proud we don't have to stand. [lol brandi very funny :P Haha, right girls? ;)]

46. Don't call us a woman...we do have a name[Haha ya. well i hope they know our name :O]

47. Were not like a guy..we have no problem with expressing our feelings.

48. You can come to us girls for advices and we will give you a hand with w/e u need cause that wat girls do.

49. We aren't like guys...we wont go around touching ourselfs in places that are not supposed to be seen in plubic when we are around our friends or anyone.

50. We are not like a guy..We will not never forget an important date.

51. We don't have a problem admitting were lost.

52. We can tell people when we are wrong.

53. Yes we do take hours on our looks only cuz we wanna look good for our dates [or for our guy].

54. I can get a message witout getting horny. [lol brandi].

55. Do not place your hand in places we don't want you too.

56. Don't tell us we are Hot or Sexy tell us we are beautiful.

57. Always walk your date back home, espicially when is dark outside. She will feel more safer with you by her side.

58. Don't ever hurt us. Is just so wrong.

59. We are human beings, don't treat us like a dog or anything. We ain't your slave or neither your property.

60. We want to feel safe with our man. So make us feel comfortable when we are around you.

61. If we say we hate you, it is not true!

62. Get your girl her favorite flowers and chocolate after a fight, she might just forgive you. Even though it cost you alot of money, it is so worth it.

63. Don't cheat on a girl or anyone.. it's really wrong. It leads nothing but trouble and we won't be able to trust you anymore or for quite a while.

64. If you are about to break up with a girl, don't do it on msn/yahoo/aim [or anything like that], and don't ask a friend to tell her. We want it direct [either by phone or in person].

65. We are serious in relationships. And if we weren't.. why would we be with yu in the first place?

66. We don't like guys with bad manners. Is just so gross.

67. If we are not ready to do something, don't rush us, we need time to think about it.

68. Don't laugh about a girl dreams. It isn't funny...

69. Girls are better drivers than mans. Why you ask? Because we are more calm and less dangerous on the roads. But it doesn't mean we go slow!! [Y'all probably disagree with this, but i read it in a magazine].

70. We can be wild, dangerous and adventerious.. more than mans!! You can count on that.

71. If we tell you a secret. Don't tell anyone, is because we complety trust you with all our heart.

72. We are not asking to spend all your money on us, just to spend some time with us.

73. We love romantic guys. But, it doesn't mean you have to spend money to be romantic.

74. We don't go for guys who as money[if someone wrong]. We go for guys who we can trust and know we won't be hurt at the end.[Well we try to].

75. Never beg a girl to fuck you cause most of that time it wont work.

76. Never hide your feelings cause it breaks our heartz.

77. Don't tell us we look bad after we spent all day trying to look good.

78. When your talking to us look us in the eyez not at our boobz cuz it makes us mad.

79. When ur around us dont try to act all bad cause it really makes u look stupid [haha , gross lol...:P]

80. Sing to us when you get a chance we really think it's cute.

81. Don't be scared to dance cause we don't mind how bad it is.

82. Never make fun of us in front of ur friendz cuz it realli makes us feel bad.

83. Feed us, we think itz sweet.

84. Cuddle and hold her tight whenever u get the time too. [ Yeah, well they should.]

85. When we tell a joke and itz stupid laugh anywayz.

86. When we pick something ugly to wear dont be rude but tell us itz ugly.

87. When we are with our friends dont embarras us.

88. Never kiss or do something and go tell all your friends about it, datz just wrong.

89. Even if you dont like our family try to get along wit them anywayz.

90. Love us as if we was gonna die tomorrow.

91. Yes we do take everything personal and to heart.

92. We won't look at other guyz if u don't look at other girls.

93. Yes we do get jealous when u talk to other girlz even if they r ur bestfriend.

94. Don't ask to suck our toes dat is just gross. [Omg, guys ask that? eww lol]

95. Tickle us even when we say stop we still love it.

96. Just cuz ur in front of ur family and friends dont be scared to tell us you love us.

97. Talk sweet to us... itz cute

98. If we make u mad dont just walk away... wat we want u to do is... just say sorry even if u didnt do anything.

99. Don't say we r cheating unless u no it for sure cuz it makes us realli mad.

100. Don't ever lie to us; we always find out.

101. We don't enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you enjoy listening.

102. Don't say you understand when you don't.

103. Girls are pretty, but yours is the Prettiest!

104. You don't have PMS; don't act like you know what it's like.

105. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.

106. If you talk about having a big Dick; we know you don't.

107. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that want relationships.

108. We don't like it when you act like Mr. Big.

109. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys not us.

110. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe.

112. It's good to be sensitive, sometimes.

113. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't, apologize.

114. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won't always cut it.

115. We are self-conscious by nature; we can't help it.

116. We are DrAmA queens.

117. Fashion police do exist.

118. Don't ask us to give head; if you are nice you just might get it.

119. We absolutely DO NOT care about monster trucks, car systems, paintball, or anything else you and your friends talk about.

120. Hugs and kisses! must be given at all times.

121. We don't shave our legs everyday so get over it.

122. Don't make bets about us; we always find out.

123. Shave; no matter how cool you think your goatee or beard or mustache looks, we hate it.

124. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emitt other strange gases from your body, it is not.

125. Don't compare our breasts with Pamela Anderson's; hers are fake, just remember that. ( u have a better shot at ours than you ever will with hers)

126. It is not cool to shoot snot rockets.

127. We are beautiful at all times.

128. We will always think we are fat, so humor us and tell us we aren't.

129 You can shoot hoops, score a goal, knock down big fat guys, and hit a little baseball with a stick, so why the hell can't you piss in the toilet and not on it.

130. Most importantly: we are always right; so don't forget it.


131.Alwayz love us for us not just cuz what we got!!!

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